
If McDonalds is so "unhealthy"..?

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Why people keep eating there? and worse, they take their children.




  1. commercials and fast food appeal we are simply brain washed.  I love Mcdonald's it is so bad.

  2. Because the families are too lazy to actually cook a meal for the family. They would rather it be convenient than healthy.

  3. Because it's fast and people think it's cheap...though its not really cheap where I live.

  4. they can't controll their appetite.

    or they just don't care.

  5. I dont eat their often but its quite convinent every once in awhile.  My dd is only 5 and 1/2 months but I dont plan on banning her from ever having a happy meal.  I do have to add though that when I grew up we had a Mcdonalds down the street and it had a huge fun playland...we used to eat then play for hours in it.  Now they ripped out the whole playland and replaced it with a few video games/air hockey that you have to PAY for.  I mean do people no longer want their kids to go run and play but just sit down at video games all day..ridiculous.

  6. Kids night! $1.50 happy meals and playland  = hours of cheap entertainment. I take my kids once a month, if that, Not everything we eat at home is healthy either, and fruit & milk are happy meal options. They  only want the toy anyway, lol

  7. My kids use to love going to McDonald's with their dad.  I made them watch the movie Super size Me and they changed their thoughts about McDonald's.  I will admit I take them to eat there maybe 1x every 6 months or so but that is only if we are running late for an appointment or something and they need a quick lunch.  But even then I don't do the whole happy meal thing.  They each get their own burger of their choice and they SHARE a medium fry between the 3 of them.  I also make them share a medium soda because I don't want them having too much sugar.

    It's all about moderation.

  8. It's fast and cheap...mainly cheap.

    A double cheesburger for only $1 can fill you up quite nicely but it's fat-loaded.

    I have a feeling with prices going up in EVERYTHING...people will be taking greater advantage of the McDonald's $1 menu.

  9. useful and nutritious part of any diet.

    What they don't make clear is that a diet high in fat, sugar, animal products and salt (sodium), and low in fibre, vitamins and minerals - which describes an average McDonald's meal - is linked with cancers of the breast and bowel, and heart disease. Thisis accepted medical fact, not a cranky theory. Every year in Britain, heart disease alone causes about 180,000 deaths.

    Even if they like eating them, most people recognise that processed burgers and synthetic chips, served up in paper and plastic containers, is junk-food. McDonald's prefer the name "fast-food". This is not just because it is manufactured and serve up as quickly as possible - it has to be eaten quickly too. It's sign of the junk-quality of Big Macs that people actually hold competitions to see who can eat one in the shortest time

  10. because theyre a major part in american history

  11. Death before inconvenience.

    Today's mothers aren't the June Cleaver's of yesteryear and they've deluded themselves into thinking that if their kids pick the apples with caramel sauce over fries then they're cutting way back calorically whereas the caramel sauce is nearly just as bad and the dipping sauces for the nuggets that most kids opt for aren;t doing anyone any favors.

    Good eating habits start early on and at home, fast food for children without any moderation to speak of is a bad idea.

  12. its accually healthier than burger king or anything else except wendys

  13. Everything in moderation. I eat there maybe 10 times over the course of an entire year. I don't have kids, but I would only take them there as a special treat.

  14. It's cheap, filling, and for the most part, tastes decent. In any case, we are a "now" culture, not worrying about unhealthy side effects later in life.

  15. Lots of things are unhealthy, but people still do them.

    People smoke, drink, shoot heroin, snort cocaine, etc, etc...

  16. Because some many people don't care or don't believe that it's bad for you.  Don't believe the eat everything in moderation bullcrap because even if you do eat there 1 time in a whole year, that day you ate McDonald's you threw your body off wack and ate VERY unhealthy that day.

    McDonald's food is cheap and fast.  Look at most of the people who eat there.  Many of them eat there once a week to 5 to 6 to 7 times a week.  They go there because they don't care.  Cheap, fast, and "yummy" food.  Bet if they knew that chicken nuggets actually are 65% corn and no chicken whatsoever (besides chicken broth for flavor) and all the other c**p in McDonald's they might change their mind...or not

  17. moderation dear !

  18. Because it's cheap, fast and they're already fat and lazy and don't care about teaching their children about healthy eating habits so the children continue the traditon and become fat and lazy!

  19. There just to darn busy to cook dinner.

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