
If McSame is the War Hero, why is the military behind Obama 6 to 1?

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If McSame is the War Hero, why is the military behind Obama 6 to 1?




  1. as there is no..."mcsame" in this election your question has no answer

    as there is no source quoted your question additionally has no valid premise.

  2. there are 22 people in my section and only 2 of them supports Obama.  

  3. hmm not sure where u got that number but the its hard to say if its true because yes typically most people in the army at least claim in public to be rebuplican but some do it just to blend in and not take riticule but typically speaking in the last few decades at least republican presidents have funded the military better (under Clinton the military budget sharply dropped and people were being paid to get out of the army before there contracts were up. thats part of why the military was so unprepared for the events under the bush admin)

  4. McSame doesn't vote in favor of things that would help the average vet.

  5. They aren't. Don't believe everything you hear. Only some are behind him and we both know who "they" are.

  6. Nearly everyone I know (in the military) 8/10 on average are for McCain.  Military personnel generally lean towards the Republican side.

    The news is somewhat biased and that might be why people think more military personnel support Obama.  ABC (I think)  did a story where they interveiwed soldiers in Iraq.  Like 55 out of 65 voted for McCain and the others broke for Obama or someone else.  But they only showed one person supporting McCain, one supporting Clinton, and around four supporting Obama.  Biased much?  I've heard of this from quite a few people.

  7. First off, McCain, get his name right he has earned that right. Why has he earned that right? Because he fought for this country and given up his own freedom for its behalf. That's why you don't need to put an "if" at the beginning of your sentence, he is a war hero pure and simple. I am a Navy veteran and I'm not behind Obama, at least not behind him being elected Commander and Chief. There is only one man with a chance at being elected that deserves that job, and that is John McCain. I haven't seen any polls showing that Obama has garnered anywhere near the kind of support you claim he has with the military. I doubt it's an accurate portrayal of how the military will vote this November. More likely 6-1 the other way around.

  8. they arent

  9. More military personnel support McCain than Obama.  Everyone I know supports McCain (including us).

    Love to see where you got that info from.

  10. Why do you believe the NEWS MEDIA that's only purpose is to make money for their company's medium??


    @dded: 2 former Air Force vets in this house both McCain Supporters.

  11. Wow and, you Obama supporters are supposed to smart? what the F#%k is McSame @$$hat ?

  12. It's very ironic that Americans considered McCain as a war hero, simply because he was a POW during the Vietnam War, while John Kerry was never considered a war hero, in spite of the various Medals of Honor he earned during his combat tours in Vietnam.

    It just shows how politicized the US military had become, although none would dare to admit that.

  13. I don't care about War decorations.  I care about policies, and I happen to like Obama's better.

    That's just me though.

  14. I'm military and I support McCain over Obama.  And I find that more military members feel the same way.  Some favor Obama, but there's not escaping that more support McCain.

  15. LOL, if you think the military is behind Osama 6-1, you are on some kind of drugs.

  16. I don't know where you are getting 6 to 1 from.  My office is split 50-50 and I think we are the exception.  

  17. 6 to 1? Really? Did you get that at daily kos? I am in, and I just asked about 30 guys... 1 obama supporter, and he said he'd prefer someone else, but feels "obligated".. yes, he is dark green. He was honest, so I respect that.

    This has been a topic in recent months, and honestly, very few that I know, or have met support obama, the large majority support McCain.

    Provide a source for that 6-1, it sounds improbable, at best.

    That link is based on financial contributions... and not many contribute from the Military, so the "facts" are skewed... also, it points out that the Navy supports obama, which goes against what "drill" answered...

    Now, if over 50% of the Military contributed money, maybe they'd have a point... but, we don't.

    Look at the chart from Opensecrets... too funny...

    Obama, Barack $60,642   134

    Paul, Ron $45,512   99

    McCain, John $10,665   26

    Huckabee, Mike $7,950   10

    Thompson, Fred $6,350       7

    Romney, Mitt $5,550   10

    Clinton, Hillary $3,240      6

    DEMS= 140 total

    Repubs= 152 total

    Now, do you honestly think that once McCain got the nod, all of those R's jumped ship?

    Come on!

    Not to mention, 292 out of over how many total deployed over the time frame looked at? Alot more than that!

  18. Site your "6 to 1" source please.

    The military is has overwhelmingly favored McCain for over 6 months.

  19. Because he's the better choice for us, particularly us Army people who are actually sacrificing in this conflict (no offense to Marines who pull their weight as well).

    The stats your quoting are 6:1 for soldiers currently contributing to compaigns. These people are currently deployed.

    I'm sure plenty of air force and Navy military members support McCain. They don't put boots on the ground.

  20. I guess you believe anything you hear - or are you basing it on the 44 donations he got from the "military" - people like Wesley Clark?

    Trust me, he is going to be very disappointed in November.

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