
If Mccain/Palin is trying to say they aren't just like Bush, why did Bush's speechwriter write Palin's Speech?

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"Longtime Bush speechwriter Matthew Scully is the man behind tonight’s convention speech by Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, which is interesting in light of Scully’s moral opposition to hunting and Palin’s love of the activity."




  1. And of course the speech writer was forbidden to mention Health care, The Economy, Pakistan, Afghanistan, the War in Iraq.....YUP!! W's writer all right!!

  2. i agree

  3. The speech was about Palin's life and accomplishments how could it be anything like Bush?  

  4. We all see clearly that McCain & Palin are nothing more but Puppets for the Bush crew if elected it is same same as before.

  5. The speech was part Bush, part Karl Rove, part Rush Limbaugh and part religious right.  No substance or how to deal with the issues.  Since they can't run the last 8 years they attack.

  6. What part of former didn't your public education cover?

  7. haha... thats pretty funny... McBush sucks  

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