
If Mccain were elected President and died and Palin took over?

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how will the world be? A disaster?

Im not a sexist, if a man had the same views then id criticize him in the same way. Its stupid to say "Omg your a sexist" over every criticism. I love women.




  1. I'm a woman....and I wouldn't trust her with the highest office in the Free World.

    She wasn't even sure what a VP did.

    I agree....I don't care if she was a man.....this was a really crazy choice.

  2. This is the big issue in McCain picking  a Mayor from Alaska who is not ready to lead .Who is Sara ,Palin She was elected Alaska 's governor a little over a year and a half ago. Her previous office was mayor of Wasilla, a small town outside Anchorage. She has no foreign policy experience.1

    Palin is strongly anti-choice, opposing abortion even in the case of rape or incest.2

    She supported right-wing extremist Pat Buchanan for president in 2000. 3

    Palin thinks creationism should be taught in public schools.4

    She's doesn't think humans are the cause of climate change.5

    She's solidly in line with John McCain's "Big Oil first" energy policy. She's pushed hard for more oil drilling and says renewables won't be ready for years. She also sued the Bush administration for listing polar bears a

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2008

  3. Scary, huh? Put it this way, if she were a man, would McCain select the lowly Gov of AK? No way......

  4. we would all be turned into christians

  5. She would have a learning curve..  Just like they all do..

    The question should be Would she pick a bunch of Washington insiders like Obama has??? Her track record would say NO.

  6. the president and vice president for both killed or died somehow the next person in line is the speaker of the house Nancy Pelosi .  

  7. Liberals never knew she existed only a couple of days ago.  Not one complaint that I could hear.  Now they're projecting all their religious phobias into her just because her religion is other than Marxism.  Obama's Liberation Theology church doesn't bother them at all, does it?

  8. we would be ok i think.. but allot of that depends on when he dies

    if its the first week in office there could be some problems

  9. I wouldn't trust Obama becoming President.  OMG!  

  10. We would still be better off than if we elected someone even LESS qualified at the top of the ticket. Someone like Obama.

  11. Yes.  You all love women.  As long as they are liberal women.

  12. FYI, Obama has been on the job for longer than Palin.  Right-wing propaganda prevails for the third election in a row..

    I wouldn't trust Palin at all, just like I don't trust McShame.  Not that I think she is a bad person, but a year and a half as a governor and a few more as the mayor of a town with a population of a little over 5k isn't what I'd call presidential material.  At least Obama has worked in washington.

  13. nothing could be as worse as eight years of bush.... a rock could have been president and it would have been a better outcome.

  14. she would be absolutely lost.  

  15. Palin would not be ready on day one. first she would have to get a baby sister and a few care providers for the other kids. don't forget the husband. maybe  she will not be a happy person w/ that 3:00 am phone call.

    i'm female and i stand by this message..

  16. it couldn't be any worse than obama being president as he has less experience than palin

  17. This is why they will loose the election. It is not that she is a is the kind of woman she is.

  18. It would be like Obama becoming president.  

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