
If Michael Phelps is so good, why doesn't he give the 1500m a try? Afraid of losing and hard work, eh??

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If Michael Phelps is so good, why doesn't he give the 1500m a try? Afraid of losing and hard work, eh??




  1. competing in 8 swimming events is not one dimensional. in different styles too, might i add. freestyle, butterfly, backstroke, and breast stroke, all bases covered pretty much. hardly one dimensional.

  2. Because he's a coward. Unlike greats like Michael Jordan, he's afraid to give anything a try where he'd lose. He's also too one dimensional to even be the greatest swimmer let alone the greatest athlete.

    Usually a decathlete is considered the best athlete, not a swimmer, and a 1 dimensional one at that considering he never did any kind of middle or long distance swimming, diving, water polo, or any other water events.

    Different strokes DON'T make you 3 dimensional.

    Different distances and different events do.

    It's like having a shotput and having one gold for right handed, one for left handed, one for both hands, one for throwing it bacwards, one for throwing it under the legs.

    The shot putter will STILL be a one dimensional athlete no matter how many different ways he throws it.

  3. If you think you are so good as to call out other people, well, I'm just left wondering why you aren't in the Olympics, setting World Records and collecting Gold.

  4. Some swimmers swim LONG distance, and some swim SHORT distance.

    He could probably do a 1.5k in a great time, but he has chosen not to further build on his skills for long distance. It depends on how your body is built and personal preference.

    It's amazing enough that he does the times he can at the moment.

    You obviously have no idea how much effort it takes to get to the level that he's at.

    If you want to show him up so much, why don't you try to beat him?

    Afraid of losing and hard work, eh??

  5. I'm not really following the whole Phelps thing, but if you think you are so good as to call out other people, well, I'm just left wondering why you aren't in the Olympics, setting World Records and collecting Gold.

  6. maybe because he already swam in 8 races.....

  7. Im no swimming expert but I assume that swimmers, like runners, either train for the long distances, or short distances. Since there are more short distance events, he chose that route. Not 100% sure but thats my guess.

  8. Different training regimen completely. Why don't you ask Usain Bolt why he doesn't train for the marathon races?  This question is analogous to that.

    BTW, Sal should be banned from Yahoo! Answers forum for his nonsensical, asinine  rants.

  9. Oh yes. Michael Phelps is so afraid of hard work, he just had to win 8 gold medals and set 8 new records.

    Really, theres two reasons. One is that he's not partial to the event and has already chosen to not train for that event. He is not a long distance swimmer.

    The second reason is that you can only enter 8 events; 5 individual, and 3 relays.  

  10. maybe becaues hes been training for years for the short races events. the 1500m would just take too much of his energy out plus he hasent trained for it.  

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