
If Michael Phelps played soccer, would we care what he ate for breakfast?

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New NBC Slogan - All Michael Phelps, All the time.




  1. I dunno...I'm sure they would he still they ate 1200 calories...daily!!

    Formalities aside, I love your icon...

    Bonds '08

    take a star

  2. Phelps not... Bolt maybe!!!

  3. to be honest, i dont really care what anyone eats for breakfast, even a footballer (well except maybe pirlo) .....but unless someone wants to know what diet he has for athletic purposes then i dont really think theres a reason to care, except maybe just plain curiousity.

  4. Gosh... I'm already tired of Phelps! The dude is great but please... STOP THE PAIN!

  5. may b if he was sick at football and considered the best in it then yes

  6. only if he was good at it. I mean really good

    answer my question its this




    Just do this for me???????? Pretty please with cherry on top :)?

  7. I don't Care Now, I don't care what my mom ate for breakfast, what makes them think I'm gonna care about some rich swimmer ate? lol  

  8. no because phelps can never play footy, his torso is too long and his legs are too short

  9. MILORAD CHAVIC RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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