
If Miley Cyrus died, what would you do?

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If Miley Cyrus died, what would you do?




  1. Laugh, then say, "Woohoo!  Finally!!"

    And then throw a block party.

  2. Would celebrate and say, "At last, the world can breathe freely!!!"

  3. Laugh my freakin' head off.

    Have a party.

    :] Smile and have a good day.

  4. Watch Disney employ another teen s***k

  5. ok well im pretty mad because z12step

    stole EXACTLY what i was gonna say. hah

    ok it was only one word but yeah

    i would laugh.

    i know... thats mean.

    but she annoys me (:

  6. Seriously people!

    Nobody's forcing you to like her, or even respect her! But there are so many little girls, and even boys, that look up to her! Leave her alone. What did she ever do to you?

    I can't say I like her all that much, but I still have respect for her.

  7. cry, i love her and support her all the way. i love miley no matter what and i dont care what other immature haters say. kay?

  8. ♫ O HAPPY DAY!! ♫ O HAPPY DAY!!♫

  9. Nothing.

  10. laugh and say... i knew it... i knew it... hahaha... i knew it! and then create a national holiday like the other person.

  11. well, probley watch the the E true Holly wood story of her 1000 times, and then be like wow dude, she was pretty , and had alot going for her.

    God bless her family.

  12. Care a little, cause she was a person, but since i didnt even know her, i would just move on and live my life, and i wasnt an over obsessed fan.

  13. What do you want me to do? She is just a human being like us.

    Nothing so special about her. Would you like me to open a champagne for her and say Congratulations!!! LOL!

  14. im not sure

    maybe give all the other talented celebrities some credit for all there hard work unlike miley!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. thats mean

    but yeah i dont like her

    and i dont know her

    so it wouldnt do anything to me

  16. Ask her family if she had cancer and laugh

  17. Wow, rude answers. x|

    I'd probley be like "OMGGG!!!" and just be in shock.

    I don't think I'd cry, unless she was my friend or something....


  18. yall will definitely make fun of me

    i would cry for like 1 week an when her bday comes around i would go to church and sing her songs to god lol!!!!!

    i would visit her grave every year and leave her flowers

    yea im not just a fan im a person and i love miley cyrus

    shes hot im hot ure not so deal plp deal with reality that she is an american goddess angelzz god bless u miley!!!!!

  19. Ask the cupboard people what to do and go from there.

  20. Have a big party for how happy i am that shes dead

  21. feel sorry for the little girls that are in love with her but i probably wouldnt care that much. i dont even know the girl

  22. i dont want her die .thats mean but i want her to dissapear she's annoying

  23. Most of y'all are bogus...>_<

    I'd be rather sad and send silent blessings to the family, that's what I'd DO....

  24. laugh my butt off. watch our video on youtube. itll explain


  25. Nothing. But I sure wouldn't laugh. Death isn't a funny subject no matter how much you dislike someone.

  26. "Gets out list"Crosses one out" Thats one down..." 3 more to go..."  Would you like some fries with that sir? What oh yeah im at the drive through..."Puts away list quickly" XD

  27. Feel bad for her family, but not care too much.  She is annoying as all get out, I think she is going to be the next Britney Spears...

  28. I'd laugh my *** off. True,it's mean. But she's poisoning this generation with her pathetic music and wanna-be goddess attitude.

  29. id be sad for the little little kids that look up to her, then id be like BOOOYA! lol  

  30. Create a national holiday

  31. if Miley Cyrus dies i wouldn't really give a ****!! so HAHAHA  anyway were not her family we shouldn't really care about her death.

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