
If Minnesota were to win 20 games in a row?

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And take the Division by a monster number Would ESPN still not care to give any respect to them?




  1. Twins = The best team that gets no love.

  2. The Twins could win every game from here on out, and ESPN would still yap endlessly about Favre, the Yankees & Red Sox.

    Twins > ESPN.

  3. the twins wont win the division the white sox will but they will get in as a wild card but ur right they dont get any respect n they r a good team.

  4. Nope. My MN twins would get no love.

  5. I'm sure they would mention them in the 2nd half of Sportscenter.


  7. ESPN only respects Favre. I've found that out just this pass week alone. Sorry.

  8. nope, all attention has gone to the east for a long time.  h**l, ive seen like, 10 articles about manny ramirez in the past 5 days, when i realized i dont give a c**p.  Now i like espn, but i got a little mad when they started to say that the brewers/cubs rivalry is getting to the level of the red sox/yankees rivalry.  And im like wtf, cubs/cardinals rivalry for the win right?

  9. I think they will get a lot more coverage,but all those ratings with those Red Sox- Yankees games are crazy. So yes, they have an east coast bias and most of the broadcasters and analysts grew up in New England but I think the Twins might get a few ESPN games as well.

  10. ESPN is all about the Yankees and Red Sox, and NO ONE else!!

  11. respect? you want to know who don't get no respect? i'll tell ya who don't get no respect: the seattle rodney dangerfields, thats who. But yeah, it will take a WS for anyone to show the twins respect. And even then....

  12. no, ESPN is all about Boston and New York. it's ridiculous.  although, Brett Favre did manage to create some competition on their stories lately.  on a bright note, at least Favre is keeping ESPN analysists from chanting their biased opinions of Boston more to themselves now days.

  13. sadly no besides wont happen they only pay attention to farve,yankees,red sox. and a-rod he suck this year and still gets attention and guys like adrian gonzales who is having mvp like season gets no love because he is with the padres so yea espn is racist in a way

  14. They would also have to move to Boston or New York.

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