
If Moslems dissaprove of Western Ways so much why do they live in the west?

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I am so tired of reading answers on here from Muslims who seem to think that the ways and customs of the European are so wrong and immoral. Why then are there so many of them here? 3% of the population here in the UK and more arriving daily. So come on muslim people - why are you here?




  1. A_L_E_L_L_U_I_A ! ! ! ! ! ! !  

  2. The majority who come here to work tend not to be so extreme and broadly support western values but the ones who don't, come for the benefits.  Here they get free education, free healthcare and it's relatively easy to claim various forms of benefits.

  3. uh... the ones who live here are the ones who DON'T think that america is evil. There are extremes in every ethnic group.

  4. Easy life - we are a soft touch.

  5. Great point - I salute you. Will be watching this question close!


  6. Isn't it obvious they want to take over the world and supplant western culture with their own oppressive theocratic medieval culture?

  7.   To make us a third world country ?

  8. they're trying to convert the masses - the deluded fools

  9. I think the complainers are the exception to the rule. People come to the UK because they have family and/or friends here, because they can't find work in their own countries, or because they simply feel they could have a better quality of life. We all have freedom of movement (within reason) and plenty of Brits move abroad for exactly the same reasons - look at the Costa del Sol, and you'll find a huge community of Brits who don't speak Spanish and who complain about the local people all day.

    And if there are people complaining on Y!A about Western society, let them have a whine and answer back if you like, but remember that at the end of the day what people write on Y!A doesn't really affect our lives.

  10. well thats what everyone has been wondering! you will never find out!

  11. people can choose where they want to live and everyone has different opinions.. i myself am a muslim but i want to move to london very much.  and not everyone is the same no matter what race/religion/color/etc. so it really depends on the person.

  12. Probably for the same reason that all the British expats are in the Gulf States moaning about Islamic customs (while at the same time benefiting from zero taxes of course)

  13. Well, some of them do. Some of them don't.

    Just like some people are racist. Others aren't.

    Besides, it's a better life for them.

  14. Did you know that 98% of immigrants are white catholic, christian, or pentecost or greek orthodox, did you also know there are more peolpe leaving the country than there is coming in, and did you know that anyone from anywhere regardless of colour race religion or creed has the right to live where-ever they want to without predjudice and animosity from anyone, and also did you know that some people actually really like it here and some just dont whether they are white black yellow or any other colour and did you know how hard and difficult it is to live in a place after you have left your family friends country culture and even beleifs to better your life when all you get when you arrive here is just outright predjudice and racist insults........

  15. For the toilet paper.

    Beats wiping you asss with camel hair.

  16. Because they were born here.

  17. well.. spell muslims correct first of all. second even i complain that i hate it here and im not muslim. don't be so stereotypical its only you mc donalds loving disney worshipping white people who like it here anyways. the reason they are here is probably because their famalies are here and so are better job opportunities. you do what you have to do for your family. even if they hate it here, if they need the money to provide, they will stay. just mind your business lady jesus christ!

  18. As a white british person who was born in this country i would have

    to agree with AJ. We are a soft touch and its true.Now that there are many hundreds of thousands of them living in this country the government

    is thinking about adopting certain elements of their sharia law but not the

    killing part.Why should we have to accept this,There should be only one

    law and it`s the British one.If they can`t abide by our rules then they should leave.When a brit goes abroad he/she has to follow its rules or

    end up in jail if they do something wrong. Don`t get me wrong and think

    i am a racist because i`m not. I luv a good curry and many other British

    people do too.It`s just the scum who come here for the benefits and freebies that annoy me. The ones who start a business and pay their

    way in life are welcome as long they stick to our rules in life.

    But, there will always be a minority of fanatics to ruin things.

  19. Why don't you just shut up and stop stirring things up. A lot of Westerners live abroad as well. Muslims have their views and westerners have theirs, whatever the case may be, the muslim way of life is never going to be adopted in the west and vice versa. By the way, I'm not muslim but I hate this type of nationalist/conservative questions that have no usefulness but whip up negative emotions..

  20. Moslems??

    So many of 'them'...your question screams racism and xenophobia..

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