
If Muslims believe in Heaven to be eternal, what happens when the 72 virgins run out?

by  |  earlier

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Are they stuck with 72 spouses for all of eternity?




  1. Unfortunately what these people weren't told is that the 72 virgins have to remain virgins................whoops.

  2. They are stuck with 72 wives for all eternity - which seems like a fair "reward" for blowing people, and yourself, up.  

  3. The 72 virgins are "doomed" to service matyrs in Paradise; heaven their h**l.  They must be girls who 'disobeyed' their fathers.

    Neverending slew of replacements.

  4. what i want to know is what s*x are the virgins? male or female?

  5. My main man you aren't making fun of my belief are you?  And nothing in the Mighty Qu'ran says anything for this nonsense.

    Think like infidel and be answered as infidel.

  6. What makes them think those virgins are going to give it up there?

    I don't understand.

  7. Where did u get this from?

    I challenge u guys to tell me, but u can't, cuz you're dumb.

  8. The 72 virgins thing is a myth...

    I guess when a lie is told my times it will be taken as truth... Just like Iran's has Nukes and Iraq has WMD...

    At least the people who believes the 72 virgins myth is only isolated in the west... People in asia are having a good laugh at how some people in the west can be stupid enough to believe an obvious lie...

  9. Allah has that covered.  The houris go back to being virgins after having s*x.  

  10. Where the h**l did people get the "72 virgins" thing from???? It says nothing about that in the Koran, and it is one of the most bullshit things I have ever heard in my life. This was made up by people like Osama Bin Laden so as to induce stupid and s*x-depraved wannabe "religious" men to go off and blow themselves up.

    Yup. Sorry to burst your bubble,'s all made up.

  11. they will go back to earth

  12. The 72 virgins wont run out. They arent the souls of "dead virgins" they are specially made by allah as rewards for the islamic martyrs.

    Yes, people really do believe this $hit!

    Edit: Yes, I for one know it says nothing about this in the Koran, it has been made up by the madcap islamic extremists.

  13. Yep and 72 mothers in law.These people are mentally ill of course and sexist beyond medication.

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