
If My Reg Run Is 5 Miles..Then My Long Run Should Be..?

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how long should my long run be if i usually run 5 miles 5x a week?

n how long should my easy run be?(the day b4 my long run)?




  1. Your easy run should probably be 3 or 4 easy and you should do your long run at about 8 or 9 miles.

  2. Your long runs should be 10-12  miles at a moderate, easy pace. I run/jog 3-4 miles 4 times a week and every other week I put in a 6 r 7 mile run/jog. But I'm also a Boxer and running more than 5 miles for me isn't good for my knees.

  3. Your long run should only be 20% of your week mileage.  

    If you are running 25-miles a week then 20% (1/5) of that would be 5 miles. As a result you would have a weekly mileage or 30 for this week. Next week  I would plan on a 6-mile long run. The following week 7-miles.

    I do not know what distance race you training form and that is an important piece of information when designing a  training program for a distance race.

    Since it common upon the cross country (xc) season it could be a 5K-10K distance. However, we are comming up on the fall which is also the marathon season as well. Clearly an athlete would not use a 5k training program for  a marathon and expect to run a good time...would you?

    If your are training for the 5k your program should be designed with the aerobic and anaerobic workouts proportionate to the system requirements of the  5k race distance.  

    Does this make since to you?

    Aerobic Capacity is known as your Vo2max

    (and is just under your 2-mile race pace)

    If I was you I would do a Tempo Run as the workout the day before you long run. It will help you build more strength in your legs and build you confidence by forcing you to work a little harder on the long run, because your leg will be a little more tired for this tempo run.


  4. 10+ miles in 70+min

  5. pineapples definitely.

  6. 8-12 miles at a very easy pace 7:30 or slower

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