
If NASCAR loses the lawsuit of 250 million dollars how will it affect them?

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  1. i couldn't have said it any better than Kyle D.

  2. it will just make it even harder for women to get into the sport.

  3. Maybe they will start to show respect to all their employees?  250mil? They can come up with that easily, I don't think it would hurt them that much, but the public will continue to see Nascar as a bunch of rednecks driving around in circles. The allegations certainly seem true, many of you might even be agreeing with them... so pay up.

  4. no

  5. The owner of NASCAR would have a hernia

  6. little but , it will maek it harder for women to get involved in Nascar

  7. First, let me say that I don't care about NASCAR at all.  It has got to be the most boring sport to watch and I watch golf.  With that being said, the lawsuit is the least of their problems.  I would worry about the sponsors, who are going to be jumping ship unless NASCAR does major damage control.  I personally think the lawsuit has some credibility, how much I don't know.  Let's be honest, it's still an Old Boys Club.  Also, Kyle D, you're not helping regarding the stereotype about NASCAR fans with your posts, which is further reinforced by your spelling/grammar.  Also, I wouldn't be surprised to see several other women come forward.  Regardless, this will take years to be settled.  Personally with gas prices and the economy as it is, I don't think NASCAR will last long.

  8. NASCAR seldom loses.  IF (big if) they do lose, they'll take the 250 million out of their change purse and keep right on going.

  9. They won't loose, but there will be a settlement and it won't be anywhere close to 250 million.

  10. I doubt it will affect them at all.....may settle out of court, fuel the view of many people who see nascar as a bunch of rednecks driving in circles, as someone else mentioned. Bummer.

  11. It would be like one of us losing $50

  12. a quarter of a billion dollars has got to hurt anyone. It will be interesting to see if they settle it out of court and for how much??

  13. there is no way that woman was treated like that.....typical black woman out to get who she can get....she has no chance of winning a bogas law suit....every one knows the game and she wont win....

  14. What KyleD said. I posted a similar question today, didn't realize you had posted it.

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