
If No One was Supervising Bristol, were the Other Children being Neglected ?

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If No One was Supervising Bristol, were the Other Children being Neglected ?




  1. You see how during the DNC repuplican people intelligently listened while at the RNC the democrat nut jobs can't help but destroy the city, attack cops, break stuff, on and on. Is this their way of saying "Hey America, vote democrat, we're more mature"

    Besides, Palin works for a living and can't monitor her adult children 24/7.  On the other hand, many of Obama Mama's are welfare non workers and their kids are out selling drugs and carjacking

  2. Well they must have been. Nice that when a great candidate has nothing to hide you high class people go after her children. Not surprising.

  3. first you say this then if i tell you that her mommie was right there rubbing her back as she had s*x you would say that is disgusting(example only) now you see how we can not always be there  

  4. Is Edwards illegitimate child being neglected?

  5. Bristol is 17!  I don't believe any of her children were/are being neglected.  Were you a perfect angel or virgin at 17?  I'm not going to say I was perfect, because none of us are.    

  6. Shouldn't you be getting ready for school?

  7. See  Now here is the big surprise.  I have to tell you that when I was a teenager (I am 60 now), I was very supervised,   Where there is a will there is a way.  I also became pregnant as a teen, yes it has happened since the beginning of time.  You cannot lock your children up to prevent it.  Get over it ok.  Palin is a good choice.  None of the kids are neglected.

  8. So, a kid makes a stupid choice and suddenly it becomes neglect and all mommies fault....

  9. You dont supervise a 16 yr old 24/7 and you are trolling, even Obama said its off limits

  10. Who says she was neglected?

    Did my parents neglect me when I did what they told me not to do?  No.

    Did your parents neglect you when you did what they told you not to do?  I hope not.

    Did you listen to Senator Obama when he said families, and especially children, are off limits?  Definately not.

    Please keep it up though.  The more juvenile attacks on Governor Palin, the more likely it is you will raise a backlash against the Democrats, and then Senator McCain wins the Presidency!

  11. At least Palins children were not raised in a racist hate church.

  12. you are d**n idiot.  a 17 year old girl should not be supervised at every moment.  she made a mistake. get over it.

  13. I am sure she was being supervised, but teens can get very creative, especially when they are "in love".

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