
If Nostradamus had been a religious person ,would we not be allowed to mention his prophecies on this section?

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The same goes for Edgar Cayce.




  1. You are allowed to ask anything (within YA rules) in this section. However, if your question or answer (and any evidence you present) is in contradiction to the personal beliefs of the skeptics in this section they will thumbs down you so your answer is not readily available to anyone that may want to read about opinions or evidence that is more than a skeptics personal belief.

    So, mention anything you want just be aware that others will have to search for your answers if you defy the Priesthood of the YA Skeptics. Truly, a scientific bunch of people dedicated to the suppression of knowledge,  censoring different perspectives, and stopping the advancement of science.

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  2. I'm laughing hysterically at another answer, but let me collect myself for a moment to answer. You are allowed to ask any question in any category, according to Yahoo, although they do say in the community guidelines that they may take action if someone continually posts questions in the wrong category. Does that include religious questions in Science & Math?  I don't know, it's hard to predict YA. I've added a link which actually addresses your question specifically. I'm handy that way. See the help link below.

    About Nostradamus, I don't think it's relevant whether he was a religious person or not. It's only relevant if your question is of a religious nature or not. If it is, it probably doesn't belong in Science & Math.

  3. I guess it would depend if any of his prophecies came true. I guess if he was religious the only difference is, he would claim his visions came from God..........

    Lots of psychics make this claim.

  4. First let me get this out of the way.BooHoo,WahWah,SniffSniff.That's sympathy tears for all the crying a certain person is doing.Deenie Nostradamus was a Catholic,he was religious.Although the church doesn't sanction his writings.You ask anything you want.If you want to ask about religious'll get better answers in the Religion section.

  5. I post alot of my math homework questions in the Riddles section b/c there is always people there and people that like riddles do alot of thinking. So post what ever you want where ever you like.

    As for Nostradamus, I do not think much of him. It is too easy to adapt anything he said to any event in history.

    I find Edgar Cayce very intresting. I do not know much about him but of what I do know I find impressive. I respect that he tried to help others.

  6. I think Nostradamus has the paranormal pedigree.  Same with Edgar Cayce.  This is because their predictions weren't religious in nature.  Oral Roberts on the other hand...

  7. I thought he was ... but that's probably beside the point.  If you want to ask about his religious notions, the religion section is more suited to that.  If you want to ask about his prophecies, this is the section, whether he was religious or not.

  8. Nostradamus and his quatrains were so vaque anyone who actually believes in his prophecies  can interpret them anyway they like. It's nonsense.

    If Nostradamus were alive today you would see his writings  right next to the National Inquirer at the checkout line at your grocery store.

  9. I'm sure both would be able to share the prophecies, but they'd better have some scientific reason and be able to back it up.

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