
If O'Barry is all about change,?

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Why are some of the lowest scoring schools with the worst condition, in his senatorial district while his girls attend private school? I know he hasn't had much time to make a change, but he could try, make some effort?




  1. O'Barry is a Nick Jonas fan. It's a fact.

  2. He's about change all right, but I'm quite certain that's it's not the kind of change that any of us are going to like.  If he makes it into office we'd better remember what our knees are for and start praying for salvation.

    The Black Republicans released this statement on Barack Obama:

    Forty-five years ago, on August 28, 1963, The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. who was a Republican and embraced the traditional values that made this country great delivered his inspirational civil rights "I Have a Dream" speech.

    Today, Senator Barack Obama, with the most liberal voting record in the US Senate, is delivering his political acceptance speech, in an apparent attempt to assume for himself the mantle of Dr. Martin Luther King.

    Dr. King did not embrace the type of secularist agenda promoted by Obama and the Democratic Party of today, which includes fostering dependency on welfare that breaks up families, supporting same-s*x marriage and partial-birth abortion, and banning God from the public square.

    Obama is no MLK!

    Obama’s socialist spending plans are aimed at equalizing wealth; with “hope” and “change”, the exact mantra of Fidel Castro. We will all be equal, equally poor just as they are in Cuba now. Another fellow that has had Obama’s platform was popular in 1917. His name was Valdimir Lenin and we know what a success that was. Obama by the way admits to being an admirer of Karl Marx.

    Of course most of Obama’s rhetoric is absolute B.S. Fortunately, if he does manage to become our President, the congress and senate will be able to moderate him just as they did the most incompetent Nancy Pelosi.

    Obama is lickin’ his chops over the military budget. He doesn’t give a c**p about U.S. security or takin’ the fight to the enemy. He wants to spend that money not save it. He has a bill right now on the floor of the Senate called the “Global Poverty Act”. $300 billion (the same we have spent defending this nation since 9/11) to give to the United Nations to “FEED THE WORLD”. Obama was against the war. He has never said WHY.

    What Obama is proposing is socialism and it does not work. It is not my responsibility to feed other nations. It is the responsibility of those nations to feed their people. I could care less if someone who has never been to the United States likes the image portrayed by the Liberal media. As far as giving….the citizens of the United States give more than any government BY FAR including our own. Tsunami victims ring a bell. So who really cares? If liberals donated blood as much as conservatives the blood supply would increase 50%. Conservatives donate money at an even higher rate compared to Liberals. And when it comes to getting off the couch and actually donating time…24 to 1. Mostly Christian Conservatives. So when hurricane Katrina hit and you saw on TV all those volunteers who came out to help, for every 25 people in the shot, only 1 liberal. And I think that was Sean Penn.

    Also, he is NOT a Christian. He's the only IL state senator to vote against the Born Alive Infants Protection Act, which required medical care to be given to live infants who survived abortions.  I find that absolutely disgusting.  That kind of person is NOT who I want running the country I so love.

  3. in that case, you could just about pick anything..he has worked with communities in chicago, and i'll also add, communities that have far more people than wassila, alaska, and have helped turned things around for a lot of poor people.  but of course, you have to deal with one thing at a time, he can't be in all places at once.

  4. He never seems to articulate too much about what "kind of change" it is he suppose to be bringing to D.C. if he wins or "how" he's gonna bring it! Man, I sure wish he would clarify it! I'm getting tired of guessing.

  5. Ok scratch the whole experience issue between canidates..what is the direction and the vision that each canidate wants to take this country?  to me that is more important then how long some one has done this or that..if everything was based on experience our young people would never be able to find a job out of college because they have "no experience"..Who is the best to take this country further..

  6. Because .. He only cares about himself and his "plans" for America !!

    Obama is going to give our sovereignty over to the United Nations through his Global Poverty Act (S.2433).

    Alaska Govermor Sarah Palin has MORE TOTAL political experience than Obama.


  7. Cause he is all about "chump change" and the chumps are those who vote for him!

  8. Because that area has a long history of poverty -and subjection from White slum land lords in many cases who do not pay taxs to that community .

    The first change will be when the American people decide to boot these wealthy Oil rich Republican Neo Cons out of office .

    Now that is a change I can believe in .

    Obama / Biden -08

  9. Your boy is going to lose, and no MILF can save him.

  10. He is busy running for president.  Gaining experience running for president at that.


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