
If Obama's V.P selection turns out to be an uninspiring choice, won't he seem juvenile--- ?

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--for creating all the suspense and theatrics.

Many people already see him as young and simplistic. Could making a big production by texting his choice for V.P. really work against him?




  1. He already is Juvenile ..........

  2. "for creating all the suspense and theatrics."

    The media created most of the suspense. It's amazing how Obama keeps getting attacked for things others do.

  3. he is a juvi hahaha

  4. I agree with you, but I did sign up to get the text message.

    I just am not sure who would be the inspiring choice....Biden? Not really. Clinton is out, what about Gore....? But I guess that is the point, creating a buzz about the selection, because I have never cared about this before, but for some reason.....

  5. Apparently, its likely Biden, who like Obama, also has had problems with plagerism in the past (1988 presidential campaign)

    I wonder if Milli Vanilli will do their official campaign song...

  6. Presidents and their VP hardly carry a role of inspiration considering that the importance of leadership in the American government is to only be a limited role.

    This prevents the fervent misguidance seen in historical context.

  7. he doesntr seem juvanile, he IS juvanile

  8. Especially stupid since there ARE no inspiring choices available and so many are bound to be let down by whoever he chooses.  Most likely too is that he will choose Biden - a Washington insider - and further alienating his base who he promised: change, change, change.  

  9. jsut get the people like me whoa re alrdy fed up of him even more steamed....

  10. juvenile is already showing in your dream question

  11. OMG!!!!!! I just got a text from Barry!

    He's dreeeeemy!!!


  12. Nope.  Stop hating.

    The Haters are having a bad day.  Lots of extra whining tonight!

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