
If Obama's birth certificate is real, why can't Hawaii find it?

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The head of their vital records was on the news and stating they have no record of his birth. The online document is an obvious photoshop.




  1. Obama's mother was a US citizen.  Therefore, he was a dual national at birth with rights to Kenyan and US citizenship (wherever he was born is irrelevant), and his mother claimed US citizenship for him and got him a US passport.

    As for McCain, both of his parents were US citizens at the time of his birth, and he was born on a US military base, which under Panamanian & US laws and the terms of Panamanian-US agreements regarding the military base, means he was born on US soil.  Compare to US soldiers who have children born on the US base in Germany -- they only have a right to US citizenship and can never claim any rights to German citizenship.

  2. The 1 I saw had made been notarized or have a county seal,  it did however have a state seal,  but I also thought it needed the latter to be legal.

  3. they're out surfing.

    if there was anything to this, it would have been taken care of already.  we need to focus on beating him at the polls

  4. do you really think obama is good? i think he sucks and hope mccain beats him!! if you disagree you should go vote for obama on this site..

  5. obama has his birth certificate posted online.

  6. The same way Panama can't find McCain's

  7. Do you have your birth certificate?

  8. Don't know if the one on his web site is fake or not but if he was born in the United States his Birth Certificate is a matter of public record and anyone can legally request a copy of it

  9. are so full of it. The Director of DVR in Hawaii has already verified to numerous organizations and news outlets that the bc submitted is, in fact, an actual short form bc.

    "To verify we did have the correct document, we contacted the Hawaii Department of Health, which maintains such records.

    "It's a valid Hawaii state birth certificate," spokesman Janice Okubo said after we e-mailed her our copy.

    Okubo said a copy of the birth certificate was requested this month, but she wouldn't specify by whom. But as we know from our attempts to get one in April, Hawaii law states that only family members can access such records.

  10. found it

    by the way, did you know that McCain was born in Panama?

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