
If Obama's plan is to sink us into a depression, why vote for him?

by Guest65588  |  earlier

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obama's earmarks and spend everything and tax everything plan is going to drill us into a depression 3x worse than the one in the 20s created by the Federal Reserve. WHY would anyone be so ignorant as to vote for clownbama? Its almost scary how silly people are, following him blindly just because he's a dem. He's not a dem, he's a socialist! It doesnt make sense.




  1. Obama's policies and lack of experience will sink us. I don't think he's an evil person but he has absolutely no clue how to run this country. McCain isn't great either but I'd rather fault on the side of experience and age than youth and shallow speeches when it comes to picking a president.

  2. 1. Obama`s economic policies will bring us out of the slump we are in now.

    2. WHEN Obama becomes President he will set to work immediately fixing Bush`s unholy mess.


    He will cut middle-income taxes by $1000 each to offset the payroll taxes we pay.

    He will eliminate income taxes for seniors making $50000 or less.

    He will dramatically simplify tax filings for middle income Americans so we can do our taxes in ten minutes or less.

    How will he pay for it -- cut the tax relief to the super-wealthy and big corporations. Get them off government welfare and make them pay up for once.

    He will fight for fair trade to bring employment back to America that Bush`s policies gave incentive to send to Mexico and India.

    He will fix NAFTA so there is something in it for American workers and it is not simply bending over for Mexico.

    He will invest in innovative manufacturing which will provide millions of Americans with employment who are now unemployed or underemployed.  This will pay for itself in increased tax revenue and lowered dependence on food stamps and medicaid. After all a worker making $40-50k a year at stable work with benefits will pay in more than a worker making $15k a year at McDonalds or Wal-Mart because those are the only ones available.

    He will boost the renewable energy sector which will both reduce our dependence on foreign oil IMMEDIATELY and create more good-paying work.

    He will give tax relief to startup small businesses in the industries that will stimulate the economy.

    He will increase the number and outreach of new business incubators especially in disadvantaged areas so more people living in poverty will have a sustainable income and get off welfare once and for all.

    His record clearly supports his ability to accomplish all this as he created legislation to stop predatory home lending an mortgage fraud long before the current housing crisis began and introduced the Patriot Employment Act of 2007 which gave companies an incentive to increase the number of full time workers inside the U.S. relative to the number outside the U.S. and start to stem the tide of companies moving massive parts of their workforce to Mexico and India.

  3. Because McCain will stay the course in Iraq for 100 years if need be. And meanwhile the real issue of the terrorists in Pakistan remains unaddressed. And yeah, Pakistan is a "so called" friend of America. With friends like this, America doesn't need enemies.

  4. And you consider Bush's explosion of the Federal Budget Deficit from $5 trillion to $10 trillion to be any better?  

    The value of the dollar has dropped dramatically thanks to Bush and you think this is a good thing?

    Did you see Obama's team of economists?  

    "Present at the meeting were AFL-CIO President John Sweeney, former Treasury secretary Paul O'Neill, former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker, former New Jersey Sen. Bill Bradley, Google (nasdaq: GOOG - news - people ) chairman and CEO Eric Schmidt and New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine, former head of the Wall street investment firm Goldman Sachs (nyse: GS - news - people ). Billionaire investor Warren Buffett joined via speaker phone."

    Yes, he needs to learn about economics but do you think McCain will do any better when McCain admitted he knows very little about economics?

    Let's now go to the price of oil under Bush...It was under $2 and as low as $1.50/gallon but it peaked this summer at over $4.50/gallon.....So, you think that a 300% increase in oil prices is good for America?  

    Whoever wins the White House CANNOT continue the same fiscal idiotic policies of "Dubya"....

  5. Obama the Marxist/socialist.  His brain got fried listening to Wright and Farrakhan.

  6. Exactly!!, If Obama is elected, smart money investors will go to mostly cash postitions in the stock market and growth will come to a stop. Obama is bad for the economy and the country.

    PS, King of Kings: God cannot save our country, we have free will, God does not interject on a global scale, as is evidenced on a daily basis. And this is a political thread not a religious thread.

  7. Because he inspires hope and people want to believe that you can tax the c**p out of companies, spend more money on social programs and still have jobs and a decent economy.  People are naive and prefer wishful thinking to reality.

  8. I will vote for him, as his plans do not include sinking anyone into a depression.

    What is more scary is people who make unsubstantiated claims like this one, and have not a shred of evidence to back up their erroneous claims.

  9. We are already in a depression, we just haven't hit bottom yet..

    Vote for whomever you want, the USA is a society that has had it's time and is on it's way down..  

    Only God could save the country and most don't want Him around..

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