
If Obama's speech on Iraq showed "good judgment", what's his motivation for a VP with bad judgment?

by Guest61313  |  earlier

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Obama attacked Hillary on her Iraq war vote, and claimed it showed bad judgment. Now Obama selects Senator Biden who also voted with Hillary to authorize the Iraq Invasion. Why would he feel that Clinton showed bad judgment and be unfit for president, yet Biden is given the VP spot and according to Obama's standards is unfit to be president as well.




  1. Yes exactly. With all the talk about "a war that should never have been waged or authorized" Obama now picks a VP candidate who not only voted in favor of authorization to use military force but defended the rationals which were clearly lies.

    Biden's own credibility also sinks by accepting. "Biden dropped out of the 2008 race for the Democratic presidential nomination after a poor finish in the Iowa caucuses, but not before he talked dismissively of joining someone else's ticket.

    "I am not running for vice president," he said in a Fox interview. "I would not accept it if anyone offered it to me. The fact of the matter is I'd rather stay as chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee than be vice president." "

    Then there are the many attacks on Obama that make the Clinton's statements, those hardcore Obama supporters freaked out about, seem very mild. As late as 2007 Biden said he would stand by his statement Obama is not ready to be President. I see another lost election for the Democrats.

  2. Obama realizes that he's too weak to be president.

  3. Obama has been wrong on many issues and he seems to be morphing into what he's been running against. That's CHANGE!

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