
If Obama and McCain got in a fist fight, who would win?

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If Obama and McCain got in a fist fight, who would win?




  1. LMAO... Obama. McCain can't hardly "get it up" let alone "put 'em up."  

  2. Come on man.....:)

  3. McCain wouldn't be able to lift his arms, so Obama would get a couple of throws in...

    But then McCain would start crying and call in his pit bull with lipstick, (AKA Palin)...

    Then Palin would start throwing smelly Alaskan fish at Obama....

    Then Obama would use Biden as a human shield...

    Then Palin would have to leave because her baby was crying...

    And then McCain would have a heart attack and die, (old age)...

    So Obama would definately win.

  4. lol, Obama duhh.

  5. Obama for several reasons.

    1.  He is younger, so he can move faster.

    2.  He runs/jogs and plays sports.

    3.  He can lift his arms up with out bending back and can lift his arms above his shoulders.

    4.  Obama is smarter, so he would probably devise a better plan, when McCain would say, "lets use the army, because I love war, and go kill him"

  6. What could Obama do that the Viet-Cong haven't already done. Obama would die tired.

  7. Are you kidding? Obama would fight like a know...spit, bite, scratch. McCain would fight like an Irishman.  

  8. Obama if he can keep some distance from McCain, but if McCain pulls Obama in for inclose fighting, then McCain would win.

    But then again mcCain can always bring a gun to finish the job, I doubt if Obama has ever held a gun.

  9. McCain.

    Obama would get blind sided while trying to negotiate and rallying others behind him.

  10. If I were a betting woman, I'd place my money down on Obama.

  11. Obama

  12. Considering McCain can't raise his arms above shoulder level, I'd say Obama.

  13. Realistically Obama.

    McCain's 67 and has multiple war injuries.  He probably couldn't put up a fight.

    It's sad that people can't answer a question objectively.  If someone said who's the better fighter pilot McCain or Obama, the answer realistically is McCain.

    Mindless supporters annoy the c**p out of me.

  14. honestly, do you link McCain could lift his left arm over his head?

  15. You are disgusting! The Secret Service would prevent this, and I know that McCain is too intelligent!

  16. i would go with mccain i bet hes got a good right hook

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