
If Obama becomes President, will we witness a military fiasco similar to the Bay of Pigs invasion?

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If Obama becomes President, will we witness a military fiasco similar to the Bay of Pigs invasion?




  1. No.  

    If McCain becomes President, will we witness a military fiasco similar to the Iraq War fiasco?

  2. uhhh...I keep hearing from neocons that "Obama is no JFK" so based on that logic, I doubt it.

  3. No, he knows the difference between friend and foe.

    Unlike John (ask Lieberman) McCain.

  4. Of course not, Obama will talk to all the dictators of the world and make them see that he is the light and the way.

    If Obama becomes President, it will be fiasco.

  5. Don't make me laugh. That would be what the Republicans did this last 8 years.

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