
If Obama becomes President and a 9/11 like attack occurs before 9/11/09, will the Conservatives blame Bush...?

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....and say that Obama didn't have enough time to thwart it?




  1. Bush had plenty of time to thwart that.  He had adequate warning about it but chose to disregard the information and the intelligence given to him on several occasions.   Even Condi was warned.   They were too busy planning their war of choice to even listen.    They even exploited the pain and fear people had after the 9/11 tragedy for their own benefit.   It is odd to me that they chose to ignore the true warnings and lie to the country about the bogus ones about Iraq.   The tragedy of 9/11 was quite convenient to the Bush agenda.

    If another tragedy happens,  I am sure that Obama will deal with it as best he can.   One thing for sure,  he would not ignore pertinent information or sit on his butt while a major city drowns or stand blatantly and lie to the people of this country about a war of choice and reasons for invasion.   The truth was optional to Bush.   The people of this country deserve far better than what they Republicans have given us for the last eight years.  

    If there is another tragedy like 9/11,  God forbid that we go thru that,  I know that Obama will not divert our military away from hunting down the people responsible for the attack on our people.   I know that when he stands in front of the Congress and asks for war powers,  that it will be a legitimate need for them.   Bush and Republicans do not want Osama bin Laden caught.   If he is caught,  it would limit their control by fear and manipulation of the people.   It would not serve well for their agenda.   I find it odd that at any given time,  Al Jazeera knows where he is but Bush has been clueless.   If the USA can track a cow from a stall in Canada because of mad cow disease,  I would certainly think they could track bin Laden.

  2. I do not think that will happen . If the Muslim gets elected the Muslim nation will rejoice because if they wait long enough they can just walk in and take this country without a worry and the country can blame whoever they choose , the bottom line is tho only one to get blamed should be the one that caused it , so no war , no blame .

  3. No, it will still be Clinton's fault, nothing has changed in that respect. So you are admitting  war on terrorism is real?

  4. Have you been chasing Unicorns at a local Obama rally?

  5. No, they'll blame whoever is responsible.

    Hopefully, though, it won't be an inside job like 9/11 was. I'd rather be attacked by people outside our borders than by our own people.

  6. The logic is easy:

    All bad things are the fault of Bill Clinton, the Liberal Media, or g**s.

    All good things are a credit to George Bush and Ronald Reagan.

  7. A top psycic predicted that event for this comming December.  Makes sense its right after the elections.  A perfect time to usher in a muslim police state with Obama in control.  If I find the website I'll show ya.  It could be true who knows.

  8. Yes.  The truth is, I may be a staunch Republican, but if the shoe were on the other foot and some Sept. 11-like horror took place immediately after a Democrat took office, I could very well easily understand that the planning of it happened after the Republican's watch.

    If you're trying to assign hypocrisy to us Republicans, I'm one who would in a heartbeat place blame where blame is due, and if it's the Republican who was asleep at the switch, rather than the Democrat in Bill Clinton's case, you bet I could place blame on him.  

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