
If Obama becomes president will our countries name change?

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So if Obama becomes president will the countries name change to New Africa? Everyone needs to read their bibles. This Georgia Girl is 100% for McCain. McCain Palin 08!




  1. It will be called "it was Bush's fault" until his Presidency term is over.

  2. Stop your ridiculous hate-mongering.

    The President does not have the ability to change the name of the country even if he wanted to, and you know it.

    And CHRISTIANS need to read their Bibles, not "everyone".

    Especially the part where Jesus says "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's..." and the part in Romans that says "Keep whatever you believe about these things between yourself and God."

  3. How about New Jew w***e who think she is white from Georgia but really isn't?

  4. i hope not

  5. Such racism sickens me.  

  6. Please review basic grammar before posting; you make conservatives look bad.

    'countries' implies a plural of country.  You should have typed "country's" as it is the possessive.  

    'Bible" should be capitalized, it is the name of a book.

    Why should we read the Bible?  Do you have a particular Book/Chapter/Verse that should be brought to light with respect to this issue?  The Bible is a fairly large work; citing a passage would be helpful.

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