
If Obama becomes the nominee, will Hillary, Bill , and Obama sign the same "Old Sweet Song"?

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Reminds me of Ella Fitzgerald's old song" You Ain't Got a Thing If you don't have that swing", when observing the Obama, Hillary ,and Bill soap opera, Hillary is swinging , and at the end Obama ,Hillary, and Bill won't have a "thing" wich is the ability to win against the GOP's.

Do you guys no wat the odds are in Vegas on this?

I kno where I am going to put my hard earned $$$ Benjamin Franklins. Guys I'll let you know after "Super Tuesday" stay tuned .




  1. If Obama win the nominee or the presidency, this will be the end of the prestige of USA. I'm no racist. But this is how the world will react. I've no prejudice against Blacks. But no one in the world will respect the U.S. if a Black becomes a president, not at least for the time being. If it happens, U.S. will be viewed as a  third world country or another Africa. I'm a Singaporean and I should know how outsider will see of U.S.

  2. Oh yes, at least in front of the cameras. But in private it may well be another thing. I don't see Billary campaigning for Obama. Lip service yes but that's all.

    Obama, however, may take the high road and work to get Hillary elected. I wouldn't put it past him and he strikes me as that kind of guy. But I am hoping he would not.

  3. Hillary might finally clinch the Presidential nomination due to her network of fundraisers she inherited from Bill Clinton.

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