
If Obama can be friends with terrorist William Ayers could he also befriend Osama Bin Laden?

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Links about Obamas convicted terrorist friend William Ayers. If he can warm up to this man and call him a friend who is to say he couldnt or wouldnt do the same with Osama Bin Laden?




  1. Osama is already his BFF.

  2. Gee, you Bushies are really getting desperate.

    Go find another dumb thing to accuse him of, we are too busy planning how to get the country back on course when Obama wins.

  3. Who do you think he visited on his college trip to Pakistan?

  4. If I see more questions like this will I go insane?


    What are you really trying to say?

    I don't like Obama but I despise McCain.  

  5. actually Osama is Bush's buddy.  on Sept 11, he authorized a jet to take the Bin Laden's back to Saudi from the US, when all other planes were grounded.

  6. Yeah, just like he recieved funds from Tony Rezko, a criminal, right?

    Your kind always forgets to leave out the second part to the smear.

    AKA, He gave $40,000 to charity connected to Rezko, for example.

    The age of lying is coming to an end.  

  7. -__-;;

  8. Obama can't be friends with Bin Laden because he died in Dec 2001.  

  9. Maybe.

    Hey you never know.  :)

  10. nope

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