
If Obama claims he will lower taxes for the Middle class how come he has opposed every tax cut bill that ha?

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claims he will lower taxes for the Middle class how come he has opposed every tax cut bill that has come across his desk in his very short time as a senator. Im serious go look up his voting record, you would be amazed!




  1. Obama will raise taxes.

    Tax Cuts 101  

    - A Simple Lesson in Economics - Let's put tax cuts in terms everyone can understand.

    Tires R US is having a grand opening, and they mail out a 10% off coupon.

    Joe buys a $10.00 tire tube, saves $1.00

    Tom gets a $100.00 tire, saves $10.00

    Bill buys 4 tires for $400.00 and saves $40.00

    According to the Democrats that is not fair! Bill got $40.00 off and Joe only got 1 dollar off. “Tax cuts for the rich!” they cry

  2. Why are you asking this question under an "Australia" heading?

  3. A source please? And maybe it didn't come to the right agreement. He could be looking for a higher cut or to make higher taxes on the wealthy, or to cut back in different budget areas rather than cutting education budgets...did you ever think of that?

  4. I'm not amazed at all.  The Bush administration has enacted one tax cut for the rich after another.  Occasionally they have thrown the working class a bone while giving millions to the rich.  I would have voted no too.

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