
If Obama had 17 year old duaghter that was PG out of wedlock how much of a media storm would there be over it?

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All the conservative crying foul right now but if the shoe was on the other foot they would have their media attack dogs tearing up Obama's family.




  1. woww ii cant imagine that , it wud be majorr

  2. There shouldn't be.  I think teenage pregnancy is a lot more common than we know, especially with the rich and famous people's kids because of abortion.

  3. Yes i agree  

  4. Nothing close to what is happening to Palin right now.  I'm not saying they wouldn't be talking about it, but it would be swooped under the rug by the lefty media just like the Pastor issue.  There was less coverage of that issue than her daughter being pregnant.  Hmmmmm.....  

  5. None, because they have double standard.

  6. Of course. These Rep. say leave her family out of it... But they have brought Obama's family into arguments plenty... I'm so sick of all of these people claiming that these "attacks" are from "sexist" individuals.

    When was it a crime to speak the truth? I say what I feel, and that makes me a sexist. Come on people, get it together.

  7. man .. it would be O.J. big!!

  8. Yep. Ever hear the saying, "Better its you, than me" ?

    Thankfully the Obama/ Biden campaign is giving relief, by stating the media needs to back off Palin's family decision. He was kind enough to sympathize, through sharing is 18 year old mothers story of teen pregnancy. Palins daughter decided to keep the baby, that is great. The Palin family will support her, and thats all that matters. We are not voting for her daughter. We are voting for the best candidate that will run America. How a candidate runs their family, does somehow reflect their ability to run billions of people...

    just look at George for a prime example. You darn right they'd cry if the shoe was on the other foot.  

  9. and this is exactly why nobody can tell me c**p about politics.

    it's a joke from left to right.

    to answer your ?....the media would burn through obama's life like a cainfield in a high wind if it were him.

  10. No, there wouldn't be that much media about it because most of the media is owned by liberals.  Also, liberals thought it was okay for the president (clinton) to have his d*** sucked in the oval office by an intern, remember?

  11. Honestly I don't feel it would ever come to light. Barak & Michelle would make sure she'd get an abortion real quiet-like.

    Also, for everyone who is against scams, please note that Chester W above used to be Todd R. He skipped out on that avatar after ppl found out about him. He will act like he is for whichever candidate the question is pro for, then asks answerers to link to his money-making blog...u gotta watch out for this one all the time...if you go to his link make sure u do a virus/spyscan after!

  12. Obama would have had the child aborted before anyone knew. His words "I would not want my daughters to be burdend with a child".

  13. It'd be bigger than what Palin is going through, that's for sure

  14. i agree, you said it brilliantly, good for you!

  15. fox would have a frenzy about how Barack and Michelle are really loose and are irresponsible with their kids.

    They would bring back the baby mama headline. White people have a baby out of wedlock and they are praised!

  16. Ask the drive By Media...  

  17. The Obama family would be celebrated - what a double standard.  

  18. O'Reilly and Hannity would be foaming at the mouth like crazed dogs at the news. Fox news terror alert status would reach the OBAMAPATHIC level.

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