
If Obama had chosen Parah Salin as his VP candidate, and we then learned she had a pregnant teen ?

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daughter, wouldn't the moral conservatives have gone all out on the subject of the candidates family values? An out-of-wedlock teen pregnancy in the Democratic "family", underlying all that was wrong about liberal values? They would be on that like flies food.

Of course, they would separate the girl as a private individual. But her Mom would be in play, as her "liberal Democratic values" would be a big issue.

Please don't try to deny that with a straight face. Could some Republican at least acknowledge that much? This is the party of Karl Rove, of Delay and Gingrich.

So how are the Democrats on this page different when we put the spotlight on Palin, who favors moral conservative values being incorporated into government policies? And yes, we too think the daughter's private life is a separate issue.




  1. I dont know And I really dont care but I wish ignorant SOBs would drop it already

  2. It proves that there are hypocrites of all ideologies...

    What a surprise huh? *snickers*

  3. If Obama picked a VP who had a pregnant teen daughter, first of all it would never get reported. But if it did, it would be a story but republicans would not make personal attacks the way dems have.

    Which do you think is worse - a VP candidate with a pregnant daughter or a VP candidate with a son under investigation for corruption?

  4. Well since that didn't happen we need to move on. Next.........

  5. The conservative pundits would have ripped her limb from limb.

    Remember how they made fun of Chelsea just because she was an awkward teenager?

  6. I don't think Obama would choose Palin.  He has better sense than McShame.

  7. You stole the words right out of my fingers!

  8. the Republicans would have rode her out of town on a rail.

    no question

    remember how they treated Kerry's wife just for being old and ugly?

  9. Are you saying there is hypocrisy in politics?

    Gee, who'd a thunk it!


    She is a republican.

    So liberals are twisting this, adding huge rumors to the story.  Blaming the conservative abstinence programs.

    And conservatives are defending her, saying this can happen in any family.

    If she was a Democrat,

    The copnservatives would be this, adding huge rumors to the story.  Blaming the liberal s*x ed programs.

    And liberals would be defending her, saying this can happen in any family.

    But at the top, I think McCain would have done just as Obama did.

    "Hey!  Lay off the kids!!!"

  10. Let me ask you this, if Biden's daughter was pregnant and 17, would everyone be an in uproar?  NO, it would be ok since they are liberals.  Another thing, there is a lot of smack of sexism in this whole attack, remember, we are quite sensitive after the character assassination of Hillary.

  11. we'd be testin' obama's dna by now.  

  12. Yeah, it's wonderful that Clinton's, Obama's, and Biden's kids are well-adjusted and doing well. Contrast them with Jeb Bush's druggie daughter or Palin's out-of-wedlock pregnant daughter.

  13. Obama would have made Sarah Palin's daughter have an abortion right

  14. he would offer to pay for the abortion so she didnt have to be punished any longer...

  15. No we would be hearing how brave she was. This will really help those single mothers out there.

  16. The Far Right hit machine AKA Fox Noise

    would have a Breaking News Alert every half hour on it

  17. As a Christian Liberal Democrat I find myself more forgiving of young woman who mistake one kind of Love for another. And who find them selves in big - for the rest of her life trouble - even though they Love their baby -sometimes with out a fathers help (actually a lot with out the fathers help in these circumstances ).

    What I do see as a big deal is the fact that a few days ago a McCain supporter (who is a so called right to lifer ) Called these young woman who become pregnant out of wed lock a s**t. And bashed  young woman who find themselves in this trouble -as being immoral -with out Christian values.

    And so I know that if this young woman were a Democrat the Repubs would tare her to pieces.

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