
If Obama had chosen this guy for VP...would he have earned your vote?

by  |  earlier

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  1. lol the first thing i see is KKK... i really hope this was a joke

  2. I think this question will be deleted and hopefully you will refrain from future post of this type.  

  3. If Obama had decided to pass on the presidency and waited to be more seasoned then he would earn more votes. Seriously he's like 46? Funny how we do live in a popularity society where a more experienced Joe Biden who is more qualified to be President who ran twice before was denied. Then to be offered a VP spot because the potential President needs more experience. Where the McCain camp did the exact opposite with someone with little experience for VP but was done in a popularity type manner to draw in former Hilary supporters. I bet when American Idol comes around we'll have more people voting on that than we do in the Presidential election.

  4. NO SIR

  5. lol no!

  6. Your ignorance is surpassed only by your apparent need to feel as though you have something valid to offer.  

  7. No but he ran for the Republican candidacy a few years ago

    A Member of the KKK would have secured your vote?? Wow - you have some issues to work out man.

  8. Obama wouldn't get my vote if he paid me. I can't and won't see or vote for color.

  9. Don't be ridiculous.

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