
If Obama had married a White woman...?

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...and had two daughters who appeared more White than Black, would he be treated any differently by the media? What about people in general? And if so, how?




  1. Maybe not by the media so much, but he would be by some people in the general population. There is a portion of the population who would view it as an inter-racial marriage and somehow wrong in their twisted logic.  

  2. He would be wayyyy ahead of McCain..but either way I'm still voting one wants old man McCain.

  3. No, he would still be in trouble from both sides for interracial relationships....funny how this country is still stuck in a time more than 60 years ago....

  4. Still clinging to the race card?  The dems have run the gammit...they've tried just about every sleezy angle to make Obama look good and or discriminated against.  Typical poor me attitude.  The only reason a person is "treated differently" by the non-corrupt media (not the lefty-liberal major networks) is because of their poor experience or lack thereof.  It has NOTHING to do with race, but I'm wasting my breath.  Obama supporters are too anxious to cry foul when he loses and they will use the race card to do it.

  5. His daughters woul still be black just as his mom is white and he was raised by his white mom and white grandparents he is still black.  They think the one drop thing is logical.  I think it is ignorant.

    He would not have gotten this far either

    Obama/Biden 08

  6. he'd be accused by blacks of being a race traitor.

    There are websites where African American women praise him for marrying a darker skinned woman. African Americans like it that he did not side with his mother's family.  

  7. He made a determination that he didn't like white women, after living with one for two years.  He's a racist.

  8. Unfortunately, he would have been treated very differently. They would have accused him of being ashamed of his race. I don't think he would have been nominated, just as McCain would not have been nominated if he had a Black Wife. Its just the ignorant world that we live in today.

  9. He wouldn't have found any intelligent one willing to marry a racist.

  10. I've read about some women not liking it when a woman of another race goes out with a guy of their own. It could be completely unfounded. Totally stupid, if it's true.

    Other than that, I think the media would be pretty much the same, other than perhaps Fox News, obviously. I think they'd be 'kinder'. Ha. Good question.

  11. An Arab and a Muslim ? He'd be running for president in Iran ?

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