
If Obama is President - What if Joe Biden (god forbid) passes, does this mean Nancy Pelosi becomes VP?

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i knew the Obamabots will go crazy, over simply question.

Who is next in line after VP? Pelosi right?




  1. Yes

    But Nancy is third in line now, so what is your point?

  2. Oh please calm down, you are scaring yourself - won't happen since Barry wont be elected.

    I think you have is accurate. n**i Pelosi should stay home in San Francisco with all the other crazies!

  3. That is a really good question, b/c Yes she is 3rd in the line of succession if both the pres and vp die, however if the VP dies and the Pres is still living the Pres should be able to chose a replacement VP as he/she did initially.

    I don't think that if Cheny died that Pelosi takes over for him, I would assume that Bush would be allowed to hand pick his replacement.

    Good profound question

  4. Um. Obama will still be the President.  

  5. Three words - welcome to h**l.

    I think Obama, Pelosi, and Reid should all be exiled to the ninth circle so REAL Americans can take America back!

  6. In that unfortunate circumstance Nancy would be a great V.P.

  7. No it does not.

    Section 2 of the 25th amendment states "Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress."

    It might be Pelosi but it might not

  8. Yes the speaker of the house becomes President if both the President and the V.P. cannot serve.  Pelosi is probably scarier than Obama or Biden!!!!!!

  9. Remember the days when Republican President Nixon had two Vice President and the Speaker didn't step into play. Oh wait, after Nixon's second Garold Ford was crowned.

  10. When Spiro Agnew was forced to resign in 1973, Richard Nixon selected Gerald Ford to replace Agnew.  So, the President can select anyone he wants as a replacement for the guy who dies or resigns.

  11. well that can easily happen now.

    i mean, you know Bush still doesn't know how to look both ways before he crosses the street.

    then you have old heart attack d**k, sleep on the porch with his shot gun.

  12. Yes.  The next in line would be speaker of the house which would be Pelosi.

  13. Sure, but that's the exact same situation if McCain dies and Palin has to resign from incompetence.

  14. Obami,

    No, it doesn't work that way.


    I am a democrat. Our economy is in a shambles, we our losing young men and women in Iraq, and our respect in a world perspective is at rock bottom. Should I be worried about someone's fishing license?

  15. Biden is younger though than McCain, however I am more worried about the criminal Sarah Palin becoming president! (In 1993, Sarah Palin used a drift gillnet to harvest salmon from the Bristol Bay

    area without an annual permit. Palin plead guilty to the Criminal Negligence charge. Palin also had a case dismissed where she was charged with fishing without a photo ID. The case was filed 6/28/93 and was disposed 8/25/1993. The jurisdiction was the Third Judicial District-Dillingham. [Alaska Criminal History Records, Case # 3DI-93-00249CR0001; Alaska Criminal History Records,

    Case # 3DI-93-00217CR0001])

    As far as Pelosi, even though 3rd in line Constitutionally (25th Amendment), there is no way to know if she will even BE speaker of the house as that will have to be done after the elections!

  16. No...he picks a new vp

  17. Isn't that just as likely to happen if skin cancer McCain becomes president and dies, and Palin also either croaks or is impeached for some scandal in the White House? In fact, I think your best bet to avoid Pelosi becoming president is to elect Barack Obama as president.

    But yes, Pelosi is next in line. Unless of course the next Democratic congress changes speakers, which is a distinct possibility.

  18. yes if obama dies its joe biden if he passes away then its speaker of the house nancy polisi! if all three are deceased then the supreme coart  will make all decisions until a president is voted in!and this has never happened in our history only 4 times has a president passed in office!

  19. Are you telling us that you're definitely going to try to assassinate Obama if he is elected? If so, I sure hope the NSA is reading this.

    Oh, my mistake. VP? No idea. I did well on my citizenship, but I don't think speaker becomes VP.

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