
If Obama is a Jew, will you still support him?

by Guest60438  |  earlier

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Just imagine if your attitude will have changed.




  1. I would prefer a Jew to a Christian.

    Obama is not an ignorant fundamentalist though.

    What is an ignorant fundie?  Palin is.

  2. why in today's society are we still asking this question?

    I have two responses to that...

    If I was attacked in the alley by a thug, I wouldn't care what color he was or what ethnicity he was...

    If I was hiring somebody for a specific position, I would hire the best person for the job, regardless of color, religion, or gender...

    anyone that cannot say the previous two statements obviously cannot say the next statement...

    I will vote for the best candidate, regardless of color, gender, or religion...

  3. As stated above, discrimination based on race, religion, age, and gender is not Constitutional as far as the presidency is concerned.  Obama also has proven leadership qualities that extend beyond race, party, gender and age.  However, an unstated part of the debate on Obama's race is that more than 50 White men were president without this question taking center stage.  In a country where discrimination along these lines has been the norm for so long, we have to understand that change means a fresh perspective and new voice.  This means that I would not equate the voiceless people who finally have a shot at breaking the color barrier with racists who have forced people to choose the best White man for the job since we had a right to vote.  As president, Obama would be more than the policies he would implement, he would be a symbolic breach of the caste system we have all been taught to accept as the norm.  Therefore, the fact that he is Black and the policies that he will implement are important to me. But if he stood for change in the same way that he does now and was of the Jewish faith, I would still support him.

  4. McCain is a Zionist that puts Israels interests before the USA

    Watch the thumbs down!

  5. Yeah  Sure....doesnt make a difference

  6. it is his policies that bother me not what he is so i dont think it would change for me although if i learned anything from Family Guy it is if he was jewish he would be even more successful  

  7. Oh, hello there!

    By my calcualtions earthling "Barack Obama" has already dispalyed earth trait: "antisemitisim" and R2 concurs.

    R2 however has noted that supporting of the earthlings "Jews" is to dispaly earth trait: "wisdom"

  8. Whats wrong of being a Jew?

    Iam sorry to break the news to you but JESUS was a JEW. He created the religion "judaism" and then "christianity".


    OBAMA/BIDEN 2008

  10. Yep.

  11. H no!  He's still an idiot no matter what can be imagined!

  12. Definitely

  13. Had he been Jewish, he may have gotten some management experience and would have taken Economics in college, but I doubt I would vote for him at any rate.

  14. I don't think they will.  The militant protestors outside the RNC said that one of their demands is to get the jews out of occupied palestinian territory.

  15. Has no bearing for me.

  16. If he was, then I'm sure he'd have a better economic plan.I wouldn't support him regardless of his religion or race- stop feeling sorry for yourself. You ought to worry about what he is instead of what he isn't ( I'm not refering to race or religion either)

  17. I could care less if he was Jewish, or any religion, for that matter.  

    Imagine a world where no one cared what someone else's religious affiliation was.  It would be a much more peaceful place.  

  18. Sure

    I'd just have to send more little Christmas presents to him.

    Unless he does that Quanza thing.

    I don't know anything about that.

    EDIT- Hmmm, I guess some people don't like Quanza.

  19. If Obama were Jewish. I'd definately vote for him. As of right now I'm still undecided.

  20. has nothing to do with religion...he has no experience...and he lies about everything.  There are 30 lies he has told....  and another place you should read too....everyone should read them..

  21. I'd be more likely to support him if he were Jewish, because he'd adopt better economic policies.

  22. I don't care if Obama was purple I will never ever vote for a Socialist.

  23. Yeah.  Why would I care about his religion?

  24. I don't support him now, so why would that change my mind?  Although Jewish people do have excellent work ethics...

  25. I would. I am not a racist.

  26. why would you ask that? How old are you? Are you trying to anger people?

  27. I wouldn't have supported him now, and him being a jew isn't really a turn-on.

    but those jews ARE more strict... maibe he would take on this teenage prengancy problem and make s*x before marriage illiegal.

    although, still is a socailist...

  28. not a racist.

  29. YES - Obama's race, creed, color and religion has NOTHING to do with my support for him!

  30. Yes, Yes, Yes

  31. Would he still be killing babies?

    If so then no  

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