
If Obama is against the war why?

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Does he want to bomb Pakistan




  1. If you look into Obama's actions you will see he doesn't even take the time to meet the troops when afforded the ability. These are the men and women that fight to allow our democracy to vote for the position he is running for. He does not know anything about the military...

  2. He's not against war.  He lies.  He plans to send the troops to Afghanistan.  I guess that's bringing them home cautious and careful.

  3. he wants to friends with all the marxist, communist, socialist, fascist, and dictators of the world.

  4. Yeah he is.  Apparantly he doesn't care to protect us from terrorists.  Way to GO obama.  Thanks for the sense of security.

    McCain/Palin '08

  5. He just finds the war in the middle East to be meaningless (which it is) cause we've been fighting with no cause and no reward. Don't know what you're talking about with the whole Pakistan thing.

  6. Because they lost to much against war in Iraq so now they want to improve is better.War is never good.Peace always good.

  7. why? would you bring such negativity. he dosen't start a wazr with other country after he ended this one. he know what has happened to america and he is about to make peace with middle east and the world that hate america to like us back not like mccain who will try to nuclear bomb iran if they start nuclear production

  8. To please his detractors.  It's only a political move on his part, but to be fair he never said he wanted to bomb Pakistan, he just criticized McCain for not wanting to bomb them.  Kinda of dumb if you ask me.  Double standard express.

  9. I think everyone should be against the war because we are spending 11 million dollars a month that could be better put to use right here at home.

    Those people want us out of there because they are sick of us and our help.

  10. When he said that at the debates,Biden nearly stretched his arm across the room to clothesline him.

  11. Because he follows the democrat plan of take whatever Bush decides and say that he/she would do the opposite.  It actually works well for their die-hard base.  The question is what is he gonna do when he takes office, call up Bush and say "Hey Bushie, what would you do?"

  12. Because he's a terrorist. He's got no balls. He's got a pu$$y.


    There was no significant Al-Queda presence in Iraq, prior to our invasion.  Saddam Hussein may have been a tyrant, but Iraq was THE modern Islamic State.  There was significant modern infrastructure, and women were allowed to work and go to school.

  14. He differentiates the "war on terror" from the "war in Iraq".. He doesn't exactly want to "bomb Pakistan".. The issue is if he had intelligence of Bin Ladens whereabouts.. He'd bomb Bin Laden...

    BTW - I agree with Obama here... Bin Laden could be sitting in the white house.. I'd bomb it if I had to.. lol.. Just sayin, I'd get his azz...

  15. It sounds like a good thing to do


    And He did not say what kind of bombs he'd use did he


    It could be a bomb full of discount coupons to a Mac D.


    And that would bring out all kinds of hungry terrorist hiding out in Them there hills of Pakistan,  now wouldn't it


  16. The war in Iraq has nothing to do with the war on terrorism.  Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 or Al Queda.  Bin Ladin however did have something to do with both.  Bush and many members of the government on both sides of the isle forgot that when we attacked a country who posed no threat to us at all.

  17. His answer like Bill Clintons was to pull out the troops and lob cruise missles at the enemy.   Looks like being a commander in chief is a wee bit above Obama's pay grade doesnt it ?

  18. he is for the war or against the war depending on who he is talking too.

  19. He's against the present wars, he'll be for the one he starts.  BTW, anyone realize Pakistan has nukes?  What's losing a major city or two if you can bomb rocks and take out a nut job terrorist or two

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