
If Obama is elected, is he going to start carrying a piece around in the Honky House?

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If Obama is elected, is he going to start carrying a piece around in the Honky House?




  1. What is this "Honky House" of which you speak?  Never heard of it.  Sounds like a racist name to me, and how could I possibly know where Obama would carry a piece if he's elected?  Piece of what?  Oh...wait...this is an attempt at humor.  Oh, ha ha ha ha ha ha hahhahha hhahha, Because ...haah hhahahh Obama's...hahhahhah ....hhahhhah...whew.  That was soooo funny.  Racist.

  2. If I was Obama I sure would.  Those rich, white guys that hang there are scary!

  3. you are aware that he is 1/2 black and 1/2 white? why are you concerned about race? let me guess? you voted for BUSH? OK that tells us are uneducated and no one taught you to respect others as you would want to be respected...

  4. Awwww, are you worried that an educated black man may go to the white house? Oh, since he is black, he MUST be all Thug and carry a piece tucked into his sagging pants that he wears with a jacket and tie.

    God, the idiocy and ignorance of some.

    On that note though, President Bush probably has a Gun rack in the back of all his presidential vehicles and doesn't mind playing war with his Vice President d**k Cheney in the Honky House. We saw how good d**k Cheney was with a gun....

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