
If Obama is elected and Putin invades Georgia, will Obama's response be to call him a racist?

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That's the whole basis of his campaign, the race card. If Amahdenijad or Hugo Chavez start trouble, will he accuse them of being racists?




  1. Lol. Seems to be his only defense.

  2. Please let me know when did Obama, and I say Obama injected his ethnic make-up in this guys, you guys.

  3. Nope.

    Who has Obama called racist?

  4. Come now, you're seriously underestimating Obama!

    He could also call them "bitter"

  5. i can't tell the future but i'm pretty sure they are racist

  6. Well, we can at least be assured that Obama has thought about these issues. Also knows Georgia is a country, not just a state - wouldn't that be a nice thing to have in our prez?

  7. His idea of foreign diplomacy is eating a hot dog and waving at the crowd in downtown Atlanta.

  8. moot question - Barry won't get elected

    however, Barry would do something woosie. Maybe he could thumb wrestle Putin

  9. Sorry, you missed the race card whining, that was in JULY.What exactly did George Bush do when they in fact did invade Georgia. He hung them out to dry just like he and McCain has done the American people.  

  10. Can't remember when he played the race card  last but knowing you Republicans, you all always cry wolf when there is no wolf coming; when really a wolf is here then you start a war - shame!

    Putin, Chavez and Amahdenijad would know better than to mess with a black man in power.

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