
If Obama is elected and completes his 1 or 2 tenures successfully?

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What impact will this have on reducing racism in general in the long run, in US.




  1. A lot however he is not running to help in reducing racism. There are already safe guards for this. Senator Obama has much more serious problems to deal with.  

  2. Ha, electing a racist will reduce racism? Novel concept.

  3. Great question! I would like to think it would go along way towards ending it all together but in fact I'm not sure it will have much of an effect at all. I do think that it will help greatly with the next generation of Americans to see Obama as the leader of the free world.

  4. He'll move the US a bit in the direction that it has to go.

    This type of racism ( systemic racism) is deeply rooted and resists any quick fix.

    But he can open the dialogue and should - it's time to start introducing the meat of the Constitution into American society again.

    I'm not counting on miracles, but at least he'll get things rolling - the GOP won';t do anything about it.

    And 2042 isn't that far away.  That's the point where the white population in the US is expected to become a minority.

    This HAS to be dealt with.

  5. A tiny blip on the radar.

    He hasn't even lived the real African American experience yo.  He doesn't have 5 generations of roots in the South.

  6. None, because there will always be ignorance. Racism is taught, not something you are born with.

    The good thing about him being elected come november is that it will prove to minorities in America that ANYTHING is possible in America if a minority was voted into the job of President. It will motivate black, and white Americans to know that when united, we can overule the ignorant ones in America.

    He is not being voted in because he is black. He will be voted in because he is brilliant.

  7. I honestly believe racism will always be around.  People will still act on how they were raised.  Electing a black President won't change everything.  Their are black heads of state and presidents of fortune 500s.  People are people no matter what their color.  It does not matter if you are black, white, man or woman.  If you are the best for the job, you are the best for the job.  That's it !!!!!

  8. That is interesting put a Racist into the most important office in the US and expect positive results???  Not going to happen.  If Obama gets into office we wont have to worry about Racism we will have to worry about being killed by terrorist every day with our boarders wide open!  

  9. Obama won't get elected. He's already told too many lies. He wants to raise the tax burden of each American 3,000-5,000 per year.He has contacts to domestic terrorists. Obama wants to WEAKEN our borders, so that it's easier for illegal immigrants to get into the US, as well as terrorists. Obama thinks the US should be more like Europe. Barrak wanted the price of gasoline to go up, and thinks it should stay high...(he's just disappointed it went up so fast).

    A vote for Obama, is a vote for higher taxes, and insecurity. A Vote for Obama is a vote for douchebaggery.

  10. there will be no reduction of racism.  He admits his own grandmother is racist.  

  11. it will not reduce racism in any way shape or form racism will be the last thing you have to worry about with a standing president who's voting record is pathetic  obama cast 130 "present" votes in IL Senate Obama wants to sit down and negotiate with terrorists the united states does not negotiate with terrorists........

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