
If Obama is ineligible to become president, how will a new nominee be chosen?

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  1. If anybody is ineligible it would be McCain as he was NOT born in the US but in a US protectorate at the time. Something akin to being born in Iraq today, probably in the "Green Zone".

  2. Irrelevant, since he's not ineligible.

  3. we should find out now instead of never. the you tubers were once again right and the media is hiding the truth proving there is something strange going on behind the curtains. by the way mccain was born on a military base in the panama canal zone which is US territory where his father served meaning he is eligble to be president just like me being born on a us base in Mannheim Germany. Obama was born in a muslim dominant controlled Kenya. I am sick of these people saying Mccain is not eligible. try telling the truth once scumbags.

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