
If Obama is such a great leader, why won't his goose stepping followers shut up about Palin's children?

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He said the children are off limits but his Liberal buddies in the press and the bloggers who work for him keep attacking this minor. Liberalism at it's best!




  1. Good point.  They do it to cover up his obvious inadequacies and short comings, of which there are plenty.

  2. Liberals are void of the concept of respect, even for their own Messiah.

  3. Because Republicans have a holier than thou attitude and think their solution is the only solution to use to solve problems. When they make a mistake then its ok because everyone is human. Anyone other than their party makes a mistake then you are not American and you are going to h**l is their view. They have an elitist attitude.

  4. If Palin was so insignificant and inexperienced as they call her, then why are the democrats in an organized effort to destroy her and bully her out of the ticket, that's typical communist behavior at its best. or should I say at its worst.

    What they are is scared to death they have a minority person, a woman in the opposing party's ticket. and she is eloquent and bright, and is overshadowing Obama I would LOVE to see her debating Obam, even though that would never happen. Besides Obama is the only candidate that I ever known of who controls when debates are to take place and how, but I will se him saying..."Uh, eh, err what? uh, as I was saying....if he debates McCain(so far he has dictated no debates until right before the elections, that's a first in history, and he gets offended when people call him communist.

    And  he shouldn't be talking about Palins's children thru anybody. He should Know if we go by the statistic that his own daughters will be pregnant in just a couple more years.

  5. Kinda put a few holes in the kool-ade theory, huh.

    Just goes to show that Obama supporters support his political views rather that hang on his every word.

    The fact is that Sarah Palin is a substandard candidate for the position of Vice President.

    We have a vested interest in this election.

    We don't need Obama to tell us how to react to the effrontery of the Republicans.

  6. We won't shut up about it for two reasons:

    1. Because it shows the hypocrisy of Republican "morality" and "family values" talk.  They can talk the talk, but they can't walk the walk.

    2. We are tired of you right-wingers telling us to shut up.  We have freedom of speech, and we will use it.

  7. Because they are better at slandering their opponents than promoting what they stand for.

  8. The Palins like s* and pageants.

  9. I have to admit, the only ones who are mentioning the children on here are the Republicans asking why the democrats won't leave them alone.  HUH?  Shut up about it already.  

  10. Because the republican party is

    the party of moral and family values... remember Dan Qualye

    comment on the tv character Murphy  Brown...

    How quickly republicans forget.

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