
If Obama loses in November, what will his political future be?

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Supreme Court nominee? Future VP nominee?




  1. i hope he wins that will prove that the worlds moving in the right direction forward.....

  2. He'll go back to being a do-nothing Senator for a while. Since he's young, I expect him to run in 2012.

  3. He'll go back to the senate so he can vote "present".

  4. I am sure Rev Wright would let him be his understudy.

  5. Bright!

  6. He'll go down in history as the first token African American Presidential Candidate to win his party's nomination. That's about it.

  7. He'll return to being a non-performing senator.

  8. He would return to the Senate.  The Democratic party rarely re-runs a candidate that lost the main election.

  9. Jesse Jackson shake down artist

  10. He'll probably run for his second term.

  11. Get another 150 days of political office under his belt before he tries for the presidency again LOL

  12. He will lose and his term as senator will play out and he won't be reelected there. He'll probably drift back to one of those mideast or Afrikan countries and become an enemy of the US.

  13. IF he loses??!

  14. Maybe become a potentate of some backward African country.

    He apparently has little interest in doing the work of the people in the senate,


  16. He's still a Senator from Illinois.  He'll have a lot of work to do.

    After that, it will depend on events over the next four years.

  17. He will run for governor of Hawaii and do an understudy as hillary's vp.  that's if she will have him.  Hawaii normally votes democrat anyway.  She would not need his backing.

  18. He will not lose and we all know where McCain is going after he lose; a fancy retirement home (he has seven to pick from)  where he can cry his little eyes out.  

  19. I don't know, but I'd hope he would go somewhere and get some experience first before trying to step into the world's most important job. But even then I would not vote for him because of the Marxist/Communist views and how ridiculously left he is. Hopefully he retires. But yeah, he'd probably rejoin his church!

  20. Jesse jackson wannabe......

  21. One thing is for sure, he's going down in the history books whether people like him or not. As for his career, probably keep being a senator. He's still young, he could run again in 2012 or 2016.

    Let's just hope it doesn't get to that :)

  22. A LOT better than insane McCain at his age!!!

  23. If he doesn't win this time around, I expect him to turn into a sort of Al Gore type figure. I do expect him to run in 2012 if he doesnt win, but he wont win the nomination, because Hillary can point her finger and say I told you so.

  24. Emperor of Kenya?

  25. I think he will just keep talking loud and finding ways to make himself look good. It also depends on how badly he loses the election. if it is a close race he may try again next time.

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