
If Obama loses the election, can he take his live show to Vegas?

by Guest32236  |  earlier

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They like elaborate stage productions there.




  1. He can try, but even Vegas can't afford him.

  2. My I don't remember you guys complaining when Bush used d**n near the exact staging in 2004

    Must be ok as long as a war mongering deficit spending A hole does iy huh?

  3. No, he'd do better in Branson, Mo.with the other also rans

  4. McCain, Obama, whoever! Do you REALLY believe there is any fundamental difference, and that you can make a credible choice between them?  I'm telling you, for all the good it will do arguing about the merits of the two candidates, you may as well put their names in a hat and pull one and go vote for him!

  5. That's the plan!

    However, to be fair, this sort of thing has been done in the past and Kennedy used a stadium.  Nothing new with this Obama kid.  And the quote, "I knew JFK and you are no JFK" certainly fits here.    

  6. Win or lose, I think they can come up with an Obama hotel.

    It would work. I'm not sure whether they should make it closer to the Luxor or the MGM.

    I'm thinking near the MGM would be nice.

    Maybe on the other side of the cokacola-stuff store.

  7. Well he is going to need a very good paying job to pay George Soros back.  Maybe Rev. Wright will let him come and give speeches at his church about how awful America is and the white's are to blame.  Opps, he threw Rev. Wright under a bus so that is not an option.  

  8. No, Obama can just take his show and complaints that he didn't win to CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and ABC. They all love him.

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