
If Obama made a policy where everyone had to have an ID stamped on their forehead would you follow him?

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and if you don't have it, you can't use banks, buy groceries, travel, get a job, etc...




  1. No, I wouldn't if anyone did.

    Also, Todd R. needs to STOP Answering questions just to link to his blog. It's obnoxious and ruins it for others. do yourself a favor & don't waste ur time on his money-making ploy blog link. If u do I suggest you do a spyscan afterwhich.

  2. That sounds like micro-chipping.   Hey wait aren't they already doing that to our soldiers so they can identify the body.  It's possible that we are next.  If he starts that I'm calling him Satan.  

  3. No way!  I have a strong feeling many libs though would follow him


  4. Well incase you didnt know that is going to take place. Not sure if Obama is the one that is going to inforce it but going to happen. We are living in the end times now....soooo be expecting it.

  5. Ok age is correct about the RFID chipping that is currently underway. As a reference check out the movie zeitgeist. Now as far as how close we are to it.. We have quite a long way to go as they would first need to find a way to remove the option of cash payments for anything. Seeing as those that would oppose the RFID would just pay cash for everything and not see any reason for that method of payment. Buisnesses would also see no reason to oppose the idea of paying cash for every transaction because guess what. They could care less if you have a chip or not all they want is their money.

  6. I think it would be a great idea  but only for the ones who voted for him,

    Everyone else could do like they did before the election.

  7. what a stupid question

  8. lmaooo I don't even know how to respond to this, but it was quite humorous.

    I dont think we are going to be stamped, but if so what would the stamp be of?   hahaha!!

    Carrie =)

  9. Obama is not beautifull. He look like a monkey. Mc Cain look like a momies of egypte. Voted to Malcom x

  10. That sounds like him

  11. Presidents can't enforce such a ridiculous policy.  I guess this is just another lame opportunity for Neocons to rant about "libs", huh?

  12. I know what you are impling  with this.  You are referring that Obama could be the anti-christ.     The funny thing is that he has a blind following even though he lacks complete training or experience, and yet people flock to him like a cult figure.  

    Also, for the person who states that Obama is just a human/man.  If you read the bible it states that the anti-christ is human/man.  

    Open your eyes people.  Watch his actions don't listern to his words.

  13. Ummmm, Obama isn't the 'anitchrist' so no need to your specifically states 'what to look for'. No, no one would or should agree to that.

  14. WTF why would anyone

    id rathre have another dumbass bush, then do that.

    or id just move to canada

  15. y would he do that that wouldn't make sense

  16. Nope.  I know how to hunt and fish, and I'd survive as long as I could until I died.

  17. I have 2 things to say about this question.

    1. Wow what a dumb fuking question

    2. Obama won't become president so it doesn't matter.

  18. No, why? Do you think he's the anti-christ or something? Get real. He's just a man running for president. Besides, if he does actually win, I'm sure some crazy racist hate group will try and most likely succeed at assassinating him, so I wouldn't worry too much about the anti-christ like behavior. As the president, he doesn't have that much power, the senate and House could vote something like that down in a second, who would be crazy enough to sign a bill like that?

  19. They are actually planning that already.  The government, that is.  It doesn't matter who you vote for the next thing to take place will be a government chip implanted in us all that controls our bank accounts, credit, movement, and so on.  Its called something like a RF chip.  Research it and see how corrupt your government is.  Look at part 3.

  20. I think scary that no one really gets the parallel that your making here. With that said, I see can how his followers are so easily lead.  

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