
If Obama requests for you to receive the mark of the beast, will you?

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If Obama requests for you to receive the mark of the beast, will you?




  1. It wouldn't be a request.

  2. Grown Women that's funny!

  3. Are we monkeys being used by Yahoo? I want Obama to find out. I have the mark of several Yahoo beasts on me.

  4. where's the line?????

    thanks atj ...hehe

  5. Would you do it if McCain request it?

  6. I thought Clinton was the anti-Christ.

    Will the real anti-Christ please step forward?

  7. No.

  8. he wouldn't.

    First of all, he's christian.

    Second of all, he knows better.

    Third of all, no.

    Fourth of all, does anyone ever even do a fourth of all ? Like, everyone stops at 3...why not four ? Is it that pointless that you can't make a point to what you're saying ?

    anyways, no, i would not.

  9. I already did, but Glenn Beck said he wasn't the anti-christ.   Can I get my money back?

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