
If Obama stood by the 2nd Amendment, truly?

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Would you, as a conservative (if you are), vote for him?

Frankly, I have been voting "against" the Democrats for some time, although I do not favor or disfavor all platforms of either major party.

And McCain has turned contrarian on us too many times in the past for me to want to vote for him. Yet, if I vote for Obama, then the Bill of Rights is dimished, especially the 2nd Amendment, as Obama would likely sign more gun control legislation into law.

IF Obama committed, swore a pledge, to not sign into law any restrtictive gun control (i.e., assault weapon bans, etc), would you then be able to vote for him?

I think I would, but ONLY if he made that pledge, because I'm not giving up my freedom, even freedoms I seldom exercise.




  1. Obama has said that the NRA believes in completely unrestricted ownership of firearms, but that is just not true.  The NRA teaches you how to use a firearm responsibly, and they educate people as to the restrictions and laws in place.  They have never said anyone should be able to have any weapon the military issues.  I don't think the NRA feels your average person needs an armory in their garage.  That is just the image portrayed by their opponents like Barack.  

    No one in the political arena translates the second amendment as the right to own any weapon they want.  I don't think he has expressed a passionate desire to involve himself in doing away with the second amendment at all.  He hasn't said anything to that effect.

  2. Dems have learned their lesson. Gun control is a loser. Obama is a compromiser by nature. He won't go anywhere near it.

    And after all, under Bush we've lost the 1st, 4th, 5th and 6th amendments already haven't we?

    NRA and DNC.

    From my cold, dead hands.

  3. I could not vote for Obama under any circumstances, all he stands for is to make things worse for the middle class thru taxation.  I don't think that McCain is the best, but he is the best of these two.

  4. You know this is the one issue that I disagree w/Democrats. No one is going to take away our 2nd amendment. It is part of our constitution. I don't think he's going to make that pledge though. My advice, however, is that you vote because of more than one issue. This election is far too important to reduce it to just one thing. If it's any consolation, even if the 2nd amendment was removed, it would be appealed and appealed... it's just not going to happen.

  5. i keep seeing 'it's just one issue' if a constitutional amendment was just a distraction or a minor issue...the right of a free citizen to own the means to protect himself, his loved ones, and his property from criminals and tyrants is FUNDAMENTAL-the government's only role is to acknowledge it! it's the last line of defense of all our other rights;  every tyrannical regime on earth has first disarmed its own citizens-NOT here, NOT ever!

  6. Dude, I'm a hunter myself, an ex-soldier (war vet two times over) and criminal profiler. I'm also neither a Republican or Democratic. What I am is an Independent who believes in honestly above all else.

    As far as I know Obama has never said he was in any way against the lawful ownership of guns. As far as I know no Democratic is against the lawful ownership of guns. I'm not against the lawful ownership of firearms. h**l, my friend, I own three deer rifles (two scoped out) and a handgun for home protection. They are NOT trying to take away anyone's legally owned guns or the right to own them.

    Do not let the gun issue be your reason for voting. What's important to America these days is far more important than being able to buy a fully automatic AK-47 at your local gun store.

    And I fully understand the desire and need to try to keep automatic weapons off the streets, to screen those who have criminal records, out of the hands of gangbangers, etc.

    Does the average lawful American really need a machine gun? A fully automatic AK-47? Do you?

    (A few facts you should consider: Most gun laws and restrictions are locally state or city based, not nationally based. I'm not aware of anyone being charged with a felony if they fill out ownership forms improperly by mistake. It CAN become a felony only if you intentionally provide false information. And there are and have been local and state Republican Governors, local DAs, Police Commissioners  and others who have also pushed for stricter gun control in high crime areas. So it's not just the Democrats who want to get 'cop killers' off the streets.)

    (Un, The Brave, do you have proof, some kind of link perhaps, to show us gun owners here where Obama actually said that about the NRA? I don't like the guy and won't vote for him but I doubt if Obama actually said that about the NRA and about unrestricted gun use? Can you provide us proof?)

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