
If Obama supports Habeas Corpus for Osama, and does not want to make him a Martyr then who are his peers?More?

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Does that also mean that we are required to Mirandize him, and presume him innocent?




  1. duh. You need to seriously look into the american justice system. Should we make an exception in some cases? Who is to decide which cases? When the laws fail one person, they fail us all.

  2. You're getting ahead of yourself.

    "Put the lime in the coconut

    and shake it all up"

  3. No one said you had to mirandize him. BUt he would be presumed innocent, otherwise why have the trial.

    If you don;t give him a trial before you execute him, unless he is killed on the battlefield (wink, wink) than we are no better than the uncivilized terrorists we are fighting.

    If he is guilty, he will be found guiilty, and punished appropriately. We are the beacon of hope and liberty in this world, and we must act accordingly. IF we treat them the way they would treat us, ie: with no human rights, then we really have let them win. Thats what they want.

    The more we fall for thier tricks, and let our honor slide, the more they are winning. Our rights, and our liberty are what define us. If we fail in those regards we are no longer the US.

  4. His peers are...

    - GW Bush

    - d**k Cheney

    - Condi Rice

    - Donald Rumsfeld

    - Paul Wolfolwitz

    - Attorney Gonzales

    - Karl Rove

    - The head of Homeland Security

  5. Interesting that Obama has brought up Bin Laden's name but Bush doesn't think much about him these days.

    Too busy with Iraq.

    Obama will find Bin Laden and either kill him on site or have a swift trial and throw him in a dark pit for life.

    Bush doesn't give a hoot about Bin Laden. McBush either.

  6. Yes.  Essentially they is redefining all terrorists as criminals (like the Clintons did) rather than enemy combatants.  This undermines the credibility of the "war of terror."

    I say "they" because the Supreme Court made a ruling on this.  It is not Obama's unilateral decision.

    If I were the military, I'd insure bin Laden (or any other terrorist) is never taken alive.

  7. First of all, you're assuming that American law is what applies here.  This is definitely not the case.  He would be tried in international courts because he's infringed on more countries than just ours.  Those, courts then, don't function in all the cool ways you're used to seeing on "Law and Order," but trust me, he wouldn't get off.

    Obama is mostly just plain and simple agreeing with what the international law is and not rejecting it outright based on cowboy-Texas logic or lack thereof.  Mainly, he understands that we can't just kill the guy, 'cause that's part of his plan, and we have to get back to following international law because other countries find us ignorant and hypocritical at times.

    If he were to be arrested alive, he would be arrested under the laws of whatever country he's caught by, and some may have something like Miranda rights laws, and some do not.  It depends.  He would then quickly be transferred, because he it wanted by most of the world.

    In a court of law, in any fair court of law, yes he would be presumed innocent until proven guilty.  Everyone in the world deserves this right...I know you would like to have it, and that's why everyone gets it.  I don't think very many people feel like he can't be proven guilty.  This isn't like OJ getting off because there are 10 people in the world with similar-enough DNA, there is a ton of evidence that is already internationally agreed upon that would land this guy with a guilty verdict.

    I think you're suffering from Hollywoodization of the legal field, because your question just sounds like an American person who doesn't understand or care about anything international, or what's legal, ethical, or consistent, just kinda pissed that you can't shoot him in the face yourself the minute he's caught.

    Oh, if it were that simple...

    Maybe in your world?!

  8. Hmmm...interesting question. If the trial would be like Nuremberg, it will be somewhat different than a regular trial.

  9. Mirandize?  No, I don't think people detained in foreign nations are required to have their Miranda rights read to them.  Presume him innocent?  Yes, we will need to try him and prove he is guilty before we execute him.

    Your lack of faith in the US legal system's ability to deliver justice is regrettable.

  10. dnt ask them kind of qustions


    i dnt know

    and i agree u are getting ahead of urself

  11. Why not.

    Don't worry anyway, it's all fairy tale talk, quite suitable for children.

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