
If Obama was a mythological monster which one would he be?

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If Obama was a mythological monster which one would he be?




  1. This is really good question.  You get a STAR!

    I can think of several mythologicals that Obama could be compared to.  Lately, he's a bit like Sisyphus: He tries to articulate his position clearly(climbing the mountain), and the opposing campaign either twists his words or outright LIES(gets shoved back down).

    For the record, McCain reminds me of Nestor-the old battle axe who drove Diomedes's war chariot in the Iliad. Mostly because he's old and, unlike our last 2 presidents, actually understands how military campaigns should be run.

    I gues those are mythological hers, not beasts.

  2. a Kraken

  3. I'd have to say Hydra, because it seems like whenever McCain makes a strike against him in his campaign ads, Obama just comes back even stronger.

  4. I forget... is "qualified to be a presidential candidate" a monster or not? Anyhow, I AM sure it's a myth in his case.

  5. He would a reptilian and Mccain would be his counterpart.

  6. i'm going with goblin. lol

  7. Most likely he would be like the monsters that raised you............. You know the kind that is full of hate and dis-trust and think only of themselves....... And the only thing that they feel is their butts when the scratch them.........................

  8. well, he is apparently the anti christ


    the ignorance of some people

  9. A satyr....Satyrs are described as roguish but faint-hearted folk — subversive and dangerous, yet shy and cowardly.  SOURCE: Wikipedia

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