
If Obama was held as a POW and physically tortured for 5 years, how do you think he would do?

by  |  earlier

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I think he would criticise America to get ahead, whoops, I forgot, he does that now...




  1. He would first have to serve in the military to be able to be captured as a POW, so that question is kind of moot since he would never serve.  However though, in this day and age, if you're captured on the battlefield, the enemy is going to behead you on youtube.

  2. I'm confused by the question. Would a surrendering president be taken as a POW? Then again he'll never be president. Since he won't ever be president he'll never be close to serving his country in the military, neither will his children or anyone he knows for that matter.

    I guess if he were to serve, he'd have a completely different mindset than he has now, he'd be a completely different person, so he might actually hold up. It's impossible to answer since as he is now he's far to cowardly to serve. Can't sweet talk your way out of a POW camp and there are no teleprompters. Could he even speak?

  3. Although I admire McCain's bravery under torture, unfortunately we need wisdom, not just a war hero.  When a 72 year old man picks a woman with less than 2 years of experience governing a state with a population the size of Austin as his running mate, even when he's had 4 bouts of melanoma, I don't think that shows much wisdom.

  4. why genius , has it happened to you - how the h**l are we supposed to answer that  

  5. He would take that opportunity to denounce and badmouth the US as he does when he isn't a POW.

  6. He would cave in on day one!

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