
If Obama were elected president, how will the US change?

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How will the US change? Will the world change too? Gas prices? Global warming? Please answer!!!




  1. He'll try to help the people now, instead of expecting the market to "fix itself" while millions of people suffer.

  2. Our country will become socialist.

  3. He won't change a thing. He's just like a carbon copy of Tony Blair (no pun intended). Blair did nothing at all in 10 years because he didn't want to be least Obama can only be voted in for a maximum of 8 years of inactivity.

  4. it wont . go nader for true change .

  5. Because of his staunch anti-war rhetoric and positions, obvious reluctance to use military force and naive belief in diplomacy over any real meaningful action - we are likely to become weaker and more vulnerable.

    Our enemies always test a new President - particularly one as weak and inexperienced as Obama.

    We will be attacked during the first six months of an Obama Administration.

  6. Theoretically gas prices would go down as the economy went up, much like it did when Clinton was in office.  There would be more jobs available for better pay.  There would also be a major push to find alternative fuels thus helping the environment

  7. the US will fall behind. Gas prices will go soaring again and global warming is something that won't be fixed as the damage is already done.  

  8. The poor will get poorer and the rich get richer.  

  9. Do some research on n**i Germany...that's what our country would turn into.  It's MRS. Republican...btw...and I have done research.  My family came from n**i Germany.  My great Grandfather was enslaved in a death camp for a year before the Allies freed him and thousands, upon thousands, of others during the Holocaust.  

    Barack is duping the public with clever wording just as Hitler did over 70 years ago.

    One More Edit:  aren't you the one who keeps changing your answers around, princess?  Get over it.  Your Socialist neo-n**i isn't going to win.

  10. My God it's unfathomable...just imagine health care, tax breaks, education allowances, home brewed gasoline, clean hydro, funding for science, for state of the art green vehicles.

    Tax increases for outsourcing breaks for keeping it within America.

    God help us all!!!!!

    It would be SHEER h**l!!!!!

    EDIT:  You know it's funny this game you Americans can NEVER answer a direct question but instantaneously have to refer to something of the past to make a comparison to.

    Just shows you can't think for yourself and why people like these redundicans have you living one step higher than a third world nation.



    Gas will rise to $5.00 a gallon within a MONTH.  Watch and see.

    Yeah do some research yourself Mr. Republican and you'll see there is direct evidence that Bush's grampa there delivered ARMS to about calling the kettle black.


    Wow "MGTMGT"  You must be the brightest tool in your daddy's SHED!  Poor guy.....


    PS:  Way to change your answer move...wouldn't want the world to see how stupid you really are.

  11. Most likely nothing will happen for a loooong time. Things will be the same.

    I think taxes will go up pretty fast though.

    I also think that Europe will look better upon the US. They seem to like Obama over there.

  12. It won't, we'll all be doomed.

  13. Ever hear the term "comrade"?

  14. Go back and read up on 1976-80 Jimmy Carter. 21% prime interest, 12% unemployment, 11% inflation, American hostages taken by Iran. Long gas line. Same policies as Obama

  15. Higher taxes for everyone. We can't afford Obama.


    MCCAIN (no changes)

    Single making 30K - tax $4,500

    Single making 50K - tax $12,500

    Single making 75K - tax $18,750

    Married making 60K- tax $9,000

    Married making 75K - tax $18,750

    Married making 125K - tax $31,250


    (reversion to pre-Bush tax cuts)

    Single making 30K - tax $8,400

    Single making 50K - tax $14,000

    Single making 75K - tax $23,250

    Married making 60K - tax $16,800

    Married making 75K - tax $21,000

    Married making 125K - tax $38,750

  16. never mind,see ans1 &2 etc. if osamma gets elected don't forget your prayer rug.

  17. well yes gas will go UP!

    and GLOBAL WARMING is a bunch or c**p.

    and obama is a racist who thinks that if does not get elected it is because he is black. which no one cares about

  18. Higher inflation, higher taxes (taxes are the only way the Government can pay for the "universal health care"), increased global warming, the works. Obama is totally lacking in experience and doesn't have a clue.

    Plus he has allegiance to Africa and Muslims.

  19. Our taxes will go up, and we won't see where any of it goes to.

  20. Who knows, they all lie!

  21. The world will def change. We won't be as quick to help countries in need and we'll pretty much become socialist is he can help it. You know, Britain used to be the superpower in the world. Can you guess when that changed? When they became socialists.

    Oh, and Eve knows a lot, doesn't she. "We Americans"? Stick to your own countries politics.

  22. He and a democratic congress will oversee the biggest transfer of wealth that this country has ever seen.

    A commitment to mediocraty.

    Hold on to your wallet working America.

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