
If Obama were elected president and broke all his promises, would you want him impeached?

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Especially regarding Iraq withdrawal. Willing to bet a small fortune he doesn't get us out of Iraq.




  1. Getting so desperate we are ?  

  2. Sure, but every single politician that gets elected lies.

    All of them make grandiose promises that are never honored.

    They say anything to get elected.

    Why the American people continue to vote for the pre-chosen candidates of two corporations (RNC and DNC) is sad.

  3. If a president could be impeach for breaking promises, Bush would have been impeach from the get go.

  4. Breaking promises isn't grounds for impeachment, sorry.

    And no one can get us out of Iraq immediately...If they tell you they will, they are lying

  5. No, I fully expect he will break all his promises.

  6. h**l no, Obama will just blame Bush for everything for the next 2-3 years. Dem's NEVER take responsibility for anything

  7. All his promises??

    If everyone of his promises.. (this goes the same for McCain) then yes. Mind you, not all goals can be met by any president.

    As for Iraq, I think he can.

    this issue was never "could we withdraw".  The issue is "Will" we do it..

  8. He never actually promised anything. This is so, he cannot actually break his promises.

  9. You mean lie like Bush?

  10. Of course not, it will be blamed on the Republicans in congress or the Bush Administration.

  11. Its already been stated he will keep some of the military there until 2013

  12. I would want him impeached, definately.

    Sending the troops home is the main reason why I want him to be elected president. I really want to end this war.

  13. If this was possible every single president of the U.S. could have been impeached. Politicians can't keep all their promises. This is not because they are all liars. Good intentions are sometimes not enough.

  14. hes already broken a promise...

    he has promised both to lower taxes (on working families...yeah right) ...and promised universal health care....

  15. Of course.

  16. Oh you see.. this is the beauty of liberals.. they will forget his promises and he will make new ones.. he will deny what he said and turn it around so that he will look brilliant.. Have you noticed the added word they are now saying... they are not saying Troop withdraw... See what Clinton said at the DNC, "Barack Obama will end the war in Iraq responsibly and bring our troops home a first step to repairing our alliances around the world." See the key words, "end the war in Iraq responsibly." That is what Bush has been saying for months... We want to end the war responsibly... It is funny how a lot of people have not seen this addition.. it is not responsible to simply just pull them out...

    SO if he wins and doesn't pull the troops immediately this is what he will say... He will say he vowed to end the war responsibly and it isn't responsible to pull them out now... Basically

  17. Unfortunately breaking promises isn't an impeachable offense, otherwise every President would be impeached.

  18. Lies (like Bush did) are insufficient grounds for impeachment, Open deception (like what Nixon did with watergate) IS grounds for impeachment

  19. yep

  20. Every president breaks their promises.  

  21. Yes, especially if he got us into another war by lying.

    I can't believe gw and cheney haven't been impeached.  It is a disgrace to our country.

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