
If Obama were elected what do you think would be above his paygrade?

by Guest62166  |  earlier

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If Obama were elected what do you think would be above his paygrade?




  1. The same thing he was talking about when he made the comment. God. Now, if you think a President should be someone who talks directly to god, then I worry about you.

  2. Obviously abortion and g*y marriage. Those are pretty much the two that most politicians won't touch with a ten foot pole.

    If it is above his pay grade then I must cede that my opinion is unacceptable as well, seeing as how I don't make as much money as he does.

  3. Anything, Obama does not need to be in office. We need a president who has more experience, has served his country's military, who is patriotic enough to cross his heart during the national anthem, will wear the flag pin on their jacket and who will put there hand on the Holy Bible when being sworn in ( "One nation under God").  

  4. I think speculating on the mind of God would be above his paygrade.

    The only reason conservative evangelicals do it is because they are blasphemers and heretics who are all going to h**l anyway.

  5. everything....because obama has less political experiance than my 2 year old.

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