
If Obama were president the past 4 years would Michael Phelps have 8 golds hanging from his neck?

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As most of us remember, Obama's mentor Jimmy Carter responded to a Soviet invasion of Afghanistan by denying blameless athletes the chance to compete in the Moscow Olympics. Would Obama have done the same if he were president in 2008?




  1. i,d say if president OBAMA was the new president he would put only blacks in the olympics but he would help the poor and needy and look down on the white man.  

  2. C'mon, we don't have to bring the swim god into politics.  I am sure he would still have the medals.

  3. Yes to the 1st question.  Absolutely not, to the second one.

  4. "Obama's Mentor"...can I get a quote or a source?

  5. You're kidding, right?  What did just happen in Georgia?  And what did Bush do?  Are you on crack?  This is such a crock that words fail me in describing how idiotic this question is.  So Olympians should go to the the Olympics while people are being MURDERED!  You are a living, breathing reason to practice birth control.  Buy a new brain and read the operating instructions.  What a moron!

  6. the republicans kids on YA ask some crazy off the cuff question that never fail to make me lmao .

    We don't need McCain a good soldier running this country but a wise leader like Barrack Obama 2008

  7. Yes, whomever is president would not have

    mattered. If Obama refused to go to the

    opening ceremonies, that doesn't really

    matter either concerning the number of golds

    hanging around the athletes necks.

  8. No he wouldn't. Obama would take 5 of them and melt them down to pay for the taxes on the luxury item. He would also want to turn the olympics  into games where there are no winners.    

  9. No---those were different times.  I grew up in Germany---and I have to tell you that I, a German citizen was not able to get to Berlin via train---it was impossible, because the train had to go through east Germany to get to Berlin and a lot of innocent citizen got into problems when they tried to take the train(flying is very expensive in Germany)---so, when you look at what Carter did back then can you not compare that to now.  The Soviet Union does not exist any longer, Americans can take tours to Russia and come back--that was not guaranteed back then--it was an outright dangerous situation, and even though the athletes didn't get a gold medal, they did keep their lives.  The Soviet Union and the KGB did keep a brutal reign in order to stay in power and there was never a guarantee for westerners to come back from the Soviet Union....I don't think that Obama would do something like that unless it was absolutely necessary....

  10. last time i checked Obama isn't jimmy carter and he can think on his own.

  11. no

  12. I am not sure about 4 years but if the Obamanation had been president for the past 23 years, Phelps might have never been born. You see, Obama believes in murdering unborn children. I think he might be a little crazy.

  13. If Obama was president four years ago, we would have exit strategy for Iraq and he would have had the resources to deal with Russia. Also, he would have the better relationships with our allies to present a united front against Russia. Also, Obama would not have been fooled by Putin like Bush was. In end, Michael Phelps would have his eight medals and Obama would smiling at Putin who did not invade Russia.  

  14. Yes, I remember that very well.  

    Regarding Obama, are you kidding?  That appeaser would apologize for every gold metal winner.  That's the liberal way.  We're all equal and those who excel have advantages that they shouldn't have.  Therefore, let's hold everyone back.

  15. this is the most irrelevant question i have heard in politics yet. Let's see Jimmy Carter made a decision that integrity is more important than individual glory. Bush didn't care that China is communist country that it forges govt document for it own selfish reasons. that it has occupied tibet and tortured it's people or it supports those who are committing GENOCIDE in Darfur. As long as Michael Phelps can have his gold medals who cares about taking a stand against millions being murdered, tortured, wrongfully imprisoned, raped, forced to be child soldiers. I mean we did get 107 medal so far and that is what really counts. You, my sir, are a f**king moron. GO USA smdh

  16. Russia pulled out of Afghanistan.  We are the invaders there now.

    What is your point?

  17. Obama is not Jimmy Carter.  What nonsense.

  18. Maybe if the neoconservatives hadn't started problems he wouldn't have to do that in the first place. Just a thought.

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